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  • K. Bret Staudt Willet

    Florida State University

    I am an Assistant Professor of Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies at Florida State University. My research investigates self-directed learning, especially by teachers. I’m most interested in what happens when our students, learners, and trainees finish the instruction and training we design for them. What do they do after they walk out the door or log off? How do they continue to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need? Where do they look for resources? Who do they talk to? I have several ongoing projects on self-directed learning. First, I examine networked learning in online communities, such as those hosted by Twitter and Reddit. Second, I study how new teachers expand their professional support systems during their induction transition. Third, I seek to understand educators' experiences as data scientists. Fourth, I interrogate educators' informal learning as a form of invisible labor.

    Publications and Content by K. Bret Staudt Willet

    Theories to Influence the Future of Learning Design and Technology