• Learning MySQL By Example
  • Introduction
  • 1. How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table
  • 2. How to Retrieve Data from Multiple Tables
  • 3. Using Functions
  • 4. How to Insert, Update, Delete Data in Tables
  • 5. Summary Queries and Aggregate Functions
  • 6. Working With Subqueries
  • 7. SQL Views
  • 8. SQL Indexes
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  • 1.3

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    • The LIKE keyword is used with the WHERE clause.
    • The LIKE keyword and can use two symbols as wildcards. The percent ( % ) symbol matches any number of characters and the underscore ( _ ) matches a single character
    • REGEXP keyword allows you to do more complex pattern matching than a LIKE keyword/
    • Some version of REGEXP exists in many computer languages. Refer to the “LIKE and REGEXP” handout for a full list of examples.

    Table 2. LIKE Keyword

    LIKE Symbol Description


    Match any string of characters to the left of the symbol


    Match a single character

    Code Example:

    USE world;
    SELECT name
    FROM country
    WHERE name LIKE ‘A%’



    Table 3. REXEXP Keyword

    REGEXP Characters Description


    Match the pattern to the beginning of the value being tested.


    Match the pattern to the end of the value being tested.


    Matches any single character.


    Matches any single character listed within the brackets.

    [char1 – char2]

    Matches any single character within the given range.


    Separates two string patterns and matches either one

    Code Example:

    USE world;
    SELECT name
    FROM country
    WHERE name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';



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