Many IDEAL organizations use a survey as a counseling tool with prospective distance learners. Since blended learning most often includes similar aspects, the survey could be adapted for its use. A learner completes the survey in person or online and then discusses the answers with the counselor to identify areas where supports may be needed. In the following example, a “c” answer indicates the person most likely needs little support for the topic; the “a” answer suggests the student may need substantial supports for participating in a distance program. You can use a paper copy of this survey or build it into a web-based tool like Google Forms or Survey Monkey.
1. At home, I have a quiet place where I can study for this course:
- No, a quiet place is not often available.
- Sometimes a quiet place is available.
- Yes, a quiet place is always available.
2. I am someone who:
- Waits until the last minute
- Needs reminding to get things done on time
- Often gets things done ahead of time
3. When I think about all the things I do in a typical week (for example, work, family, and social activities), the amount of time I have each week for online learning is:
- Less than 5 hours
- 5–9 hours
- 10 hours or more
4. When it comes to accessing the technology I will need for this course (for example, a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and an internet connection):
- I am not sure where I will find the technology I need.
- The technology is easily available, but not at my home.
- The technology is available at my home.
5. When I am asked to use a computer or other technology like a tablet or smartphone:
- a. I wait to use it until later.
- I feel a little nervous but use it anyway or find someone to show me how to use it.
- I look forward to using it.
6. Feeling that I am part of a class is:
- Very important to me
- Somewhat important to me
- Not particularly important to me
7. When a teacher gives directions for an assignment, I prefer to:
- Have the directions explained to me
- Try to follow the directions on my own, then ask for help when I need it
- Figure out the instructions myself
8. Face-to-face interaction with my teacher and other students is:
- Very important to me
- Somewhat important to me
- Not important to me