Benefits of Using Views
- Design Flexibility: By using a view instead of a query in an application, it is easier to make changes to the underlying table structure.
- Improved Security: By using a view to return data from tables instead of a SELECT, you can hide the WHERE clause or other columns to which you do not want the user to have access.
- Query Simplification: You can write simple select statements against views, which handle complex queries and joins.
Code Sample:
CREATE VIEW city_country AS
SELECT AS city_name, AS country_name
FROM city ci
JOIN country co
ON ci.CountryCode = co.Code;
Results by selecting from the city_country view:
CREATE VIEW city_country AS
- Create a new VIEW object and give it the name city_country
- The AS statement precedes the query that will be assigned to the VIEW
SELECT AS city_name, AS country_name
- Only the columns defined in the SELECT statement will be available to the VIEW
- It is a good idea to provide a column alias in the select because the VIEW will not have access to the underlying table structure.
FROM city ci
JOIN country co
ON ci.CountryCode = co.Code;
- The JOIN statement of the SELECT.
- Once you have created a VIEW, you can run SQL statements using the VIEW as if it were a table.
- By creating a VIEW, we can run selects that retrieve data from multiple tables without having to re-code a join.
- Notice how the SELECT * retrieves only the rows defined in the SELECT statement used in the VIEW creation.
- If you want to drop a VIEW, we can run the DROP VIEW statement
- If you want to modify an existing view you can use the statement CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW. That way you do not have to run a DROP VIEW statement and then a CREATE VIEW statement.