• Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
  • Unit I. Hybrid-Flexible Course Design to Support Student-Directed Learning Paths
  • Unit II. Implementation and Adoption of Hybrid-Flexible Instruction
  • Unit III. Hybrid-Flexible Implementations Around the World
  • Appendices
  • Practical Experience of Courses with Practical Applications: Video Lab HyFlex
  • Video Lab HyFlex: Practical Experiences of Courses with Practical Applications
  • Download
  • Translations
  • Appendix A

    Bibliography of Hybrid-Flexible Literature (using various terms)

    Note: An updated bibliography can be found at the HyFlex Learning Community site, hyflexlearning.org/bibliography - direct link: https://edtechbooks.org/-cazI

    Abdelmalak, M. (March, 2013). HyFlex course design: A case study of an educational technology course. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference, New Orleans, LA USA.

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    International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design 6(4).

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    Alexander, M.M., Lynch, J.E., Rabinovich, T., & Knutel, P.G. (2014). Snapshot of a hybrid learning environment. The Quarterly Review of Distance Learning, 15(1), 9-21.

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    Beatty, B. (2012, April). HyFlex Course Design: The Advantages of Letting Students Choose the Blend. Peer-reviewed paper presented at Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

    Beatty, B. J. (2014). Hybrid courses with flexible participation – The HyFlex Course Design. In L. Kyei-Blankson and E. Ntuli (Eds.) Practical Applications and Experiences in K-20 Blended Learning Environments. (pp. 153-177). Hershey, PA:  IGI Global.

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    Brian J. Beatty

    San Francisco State University

    Dr. Brian Beatty is Professor of Instructional Technologies and co-coordinator of the Instructional Design and Technology MA program in the Department of Equity, Leadership Studies and Instructional Technologies at San Francisco State University. Brian’s primary areas of interest and research include social interaction in online learning, flipped classroom implementation, and developing instructional design theory for Hybrid-Flexible learning environments. At SFSU, Dr. Beatty pioneered the development and evaluation of the HyFlex course design model for blended learning environments, implementing a “student-directed-hybrid” approach to better support student learning.  

    Previously (2012 – 2020), Brian was Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Operations at San Francisco State University (SFSU), overseeing the Academic Technology unit and coordinating the use of technology in the academic programs across the university. He worked closely with IT professionals and leaders in other units to coordinate overall information technology strategic management at SFSU. Prior to 2012, Brian was Associate Professor and Chair of the Instructional Technologies department in the Graduate College of Education at SFSU. He received his Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University Bloomington in 2002. Dr. Beatty also holds several CA single-subject teaching credentials, an M.A. in Instructional Technologies from SF State and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Marquette University. Dr. Beatty has more than 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, trainer, and instructional designer at schools, businesses, and the US Navy.

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