Tell your story! Call for Unit III Case Report Chapter Proposals
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This book explains the principles of hybrid-flexible (HyFlex) course design, explains fundamental practices found in these courses, and reports results around student participation, academic success, and other metrics we may value. The title of the book is: Hybrid-Flexible Course Design: Implementing student-directed hybrid classes. A large part of the book is reserved for case reports from faculty and staff at institutions using some form of hybrid-flexible course design, large, mid-sized, or small scale.
We are continuosly looking for an author (or team of authors) who could write a chapter on [YOUR INSTITUTION]’s Hybrid-Flexible (use your term if you have one) Course Experience. If you think you might be interested, please read on.
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Hybrid-flexible course designs have been used successfully for more than a decade at many higher education institutions with a wide variety of courses. Often the initial impetus for developing a HyFlex approach is a very real need to serve both online and on ground students with a limited set of resources (time, faculty, space) which leads to a multi-modal delivery solution. When students are given the freedom and ability to choose which mode to participate in, from session to session, they are able to create their own unique hybrid experience. We have started calling this a “student-directed hybrid” learning experience.
This volume provides readers with methods, case stories, and strategies related to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design so that they may make decisions about using it themselves and even begin their own HyFlex course (re)design. More specifically, based on the needs identified for their course(s), readers will be able to a) determine if and how HyFlex course design could help them solve critical needs, b) take advantage of emerging opportunities to improve their education practice, enabling them to better serve more students, c) gain an awareness of the HyFlex design, d) find their own innovative HyFlex solution to their specific challenges, and e) begin the HyFlex implementation process using strategies similar to those used by instructors described in this book. The volume describes the fundamental principles of HyFlex design, explains a process for design and development, and discusses implementation factors that instructors have experienced in various higher education institutions. These factors include the drivers, the variations in implementation approaches and constraints, and the results (e.g., student scores, student satisfaction). A series of worksheets provides specific guidance that can be used by individuals or teams engaging in HyFlex design projects at their own institution. Case reports from institutions and faculty who have successfully implemented HyFlex-style courses provide a rich set of real-world stories to draw insights for a reader’s own design setting.
If you are interested, please let me know via email, and we can discuss specifics for your chapter if you have questions.
Dr. Brian Beatty, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Operations
Associate Professor, Instructional Technologies
447 Administration
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Ave
San Francisco, CA 94132