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  • Classkick

    Social ConstructivismBehaviorismCognitivism

    Classkick is a free digital formative assessment tool that allows teachers to create lessons and assignments that students work through on their devices at their own pace. Teachers can observe student progress in real time and provide immediate feedback. In addition to receiving help and feedback from the teacher, Classkick allows students to anonymously request help from their peers. Text, images, video, and audio can be easily integrated into assignments. It is a great tool for synchronous and asynchronous communication, blended classrooms, personalized learning, and cooperative learning.

    Classkick is now both web- and app-based, it can be used from a web-browser, Chromebook, or iPad.

    Watch on YouTube

    Tool Snapshot

    PriceFree basic plan; Teacher, School, and District pro plans
    LearningBehaviorism, Cognitivism, Social constructivism (peer support)
    Ease of Use★★★★☆
    Class SizeUnlimited
    ISTE*SEmpowered Learner

    Classkick Overview Video

    Watch on YouTube

    *** Classkick Video Transcript ***

    Classkick & the SAMR Model

    Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model offers a lens for examining how technology is adopted in a classroom. As you strive to incorporate online tools into your classroom, we encourage you to use this model as an analytic tool.

    Here is an example of how Classkick might fit within the SAMR model:

    classkick peer help: schematic of two children, one wth green ... above, one with yellow question mark above. There is text showing that a "disoriented duck" needs help, demonstrating that students asking questions are anonymous
    “Classkick Peer Help” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://www.classkick.com/

    Learning Activities

    Elementary School (Grades K-5): Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

    four slides from the scientists classify classkick lesson
    “Scientists Classify” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com/#/assignments/AVbmkhn7TGyIipzYWCu2rQ

    Middle School (Grades 6-8): Instruct students to read, listen to, or watch The Gift of The Magi and continue the story after its current ending point. Also require students to evaluate their continuation against a rubric.

    four slides from classkick lesson on the gift
    “The Gift” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com/#/assignments/AVbYI_WtRKqdbteKmwfiGg

    High School (Grades 9-12): Have students solve linear systems of equations using substitution. Use slides to walk students through the process. Have students who finish early answer peer questions.

    slide from lesson on solve the linear system using substitution
    “Solving Systems Using Substitution” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com/#/assignments/-KJCcns58iKimI62AP1V

    Higher Education (and all grade levels): Have students create a classkick presentation instead of a typical Powerpoint. Require that students incorporate questions into their presentation and have them monitor classmates progress and answer questions as they come up as they relate to their topic. 


    How to Use Classkick

    As a Teacher:

    1. Go to http://app.classkick.com/
    2. Click Teacher Login
    3. Enter email and password
    4. Click Sign Up
    5. To create a new assignment: click plus sign in the top right hand corner.
    screenshot of teacher dashboard highlighting where the list of assingments are, where to check hand raises, and where to create a new assingment
    “Classkick Teacher Dashboard” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://www.classkick.com
      1. Give the assignment a name and a description
      2. Create slides or upload a PDF.
    screenshot of the edit assingment screen with three slides created so far
    “Classkick Assignment Edit” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://www.classkick.com
      1. Slides can include text, audio, video, links, and drawings.  If a slide contains a question, assign a point value to that slide.
    schematic showing various tool options for slide editing
    “Classkick Tools” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://www.classkick.com
    1. Provide students with the class code or send them the class code hyperlink to join the class.
    2. Click View Student Work to look at student progress and provide feedback.  This screenshot shows two students from Period 1: Joe and Susie.  Clicking a white rectangle opens the student’s slide.  There are 3 slides in the assignment (and thus 3 shown for each student).  Each slide is worth 10 points.  The yellow hand indicates that Susie is requesting help on slide two, which you can provide by clicking on the slide.  The two green slides have been given feedback and scored.
    teacher view showing three slides with data from two students joe and susie.
    “Classkick View Student Work” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://www.classkick.com

    As a Student:

    1. Go to http://app.classkick.com/ or the hyperlink provided by your teacher.
    2. Type in your Class Code and your name
    classkick student login page with class code filled in
    “Classkick Student” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com
    1. Click on the first slide, and work through the lesson and assignment
    classkick student view with three slides of student questions
    “Classkick Student View” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com
    1. You can write on the slides with a pen (drawing) or text.  You can also add photos, video, and audio to your responses.
    classkick student view of a single slide showing student options for editing slides with student having labeled parts of an ear with a red pen option
    “Classkick Student View” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com
    1. If you need to get help or would your response checked, click the hand in the top right corner.
    zoom in of classkick student view showing virtual hand raise options: yellow hand, please help; green hand, please check.
    “Classkick Student Hand Raise” [Screenshot].
    Retrieved from https://app.classkick.com


    This page was created by Gabrielle R. Merchant

    This content is provided to you freely by EdTech Books.

    Access it online or download it at https://edtechbooks.org/onlinetools/classkick.