• Designing Engaging and Interactive Synchronous Online Class Sessions
  • Formatting Needs
  • Unit 1. About this book
  • Unit 2. Examples of Whole-class Activities
  • Unit 3. Examples of Small-Group Breakout Activities and Debriefs
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  • Abstracts

    Creating a Mindful Learning Environment using Adobe Connect
    In this example, I share how I use the Adobe Connect classroom features to create a mindful learning environment.
    Creating Community Agreements Collaboratively with Online Students: Reasons, Anti-Racist Considerations, and Logistics in Adobe Connect
    In this chapter, we share how to use Adobe Connect’s tools to collaborate with students to create community agreements for the course. Community agreements are also known as group norms, class rules, etc. We also discuss reasons for creating community agreements with online students, and anti-racist considerations.
    The Use of a Large Chat Pod to Encourage Chat Participation About Particular Questions
    The use of the large chat pod on Adobe Connect can encourage chat participation, and promote fruitful discussions in the online classroom. This chapter will discuss the benefits of the large chat pod, and provide examples of when to utilize this unique feature.
    Using Large Slides and a Smaller Chat Pod to Focus Attention on Mini-Lecture Content
    This section addresses lecture engagement. I will review how to simultaneously utilize large slides and a small chat pod to focus participants' attention.
    Creating Opportunities for Student Voice in Online Classes by Using Polls for Feedback
    This chapter focuses on getting student feedback on live class sessions by using various types of polls to encourage input for bettering the classes sessions and the course overall.
    Using Polls to Guide Class Check-in Time
    In this example, I will share how and why I use polls to determine how much time I allot to class check-ins. I will also provide examples of how to use Adobe Connect features to support the check-in experience.
    Using a Poll and a Second Chat Pod to Wrap Up the Class Session
    The use of a poll and a second chat pod to end a class session promotes student reflection on the material and connection of course content to social work practice. This chapter will discuss ways to utilize the chat and poll pods to wrap up and reflect on a live class session.
    Adobe Connect Status Icons: A Useful Feature to Increase Engagement
    The status icons feature in Adobe Connect can be a useful tool to increase engagement, check in with students, get real-time feedback, and gauge student preferences.
    Bringing All Students onto Webcam Together for Special Circumstances: Using a Large Video Pod
    At times, instructors may want to bring all students onto webcam together. This chapter demonstrates an example of what this might look like.
    Using PowerPoint Portrait-Oriented Slides to Maximize Content Sharing
    In this example, I will share how and why I use PowerPoint slides set to the “portrait” orientation when I need to share a lot of text on a slide.
    Group Presentations in Adobe Connect: Using an Extra Wide Video Pod and Dedicated Second Chat Pod for Q&A
    * Using a flipped classroom model, I was able to prepare students for group work and oral      presentations in their future careers.  
    * I wanted to ensure focus and visibility of all student presenters.
    * I wanted to make sure all groups had enough time to present which meant presenters needed to be prepared, rehearsed, and familiar with Adobe Connect in the Presenter Role. 
    * There was a Q&A at the end of the presentation, so I needed to figure out how to quickly retrieve and present questions from their classmates received during the oral presentation.
    Live Drawing Using a Second Webcam
    Creative usage of technology allows us to translate the traditional in-person lesson into engaging and easy-to-follow online sessions. In this chapter, we discuss a strategy to demonstrate graphs, annotations, and other visual materials using a second webcam. The approach is to set up another webcam option to broadcast hand-drawn illustrations on paper in real time. A key contribution of supplementing prepared materials with live drawing by webcam is the flexibility to connect concepts or address questions with a more personal interaction with students
    Using a Large Webcam Pod and Large Chat in a Panel View Layout: How to Create a Custom Virtual Stage for Successful Guest Speaker Presentations
    Inviting a guest speaker into a live class session can be an excellent way of diversifying our lectures. It allows us to introduce a new perspective on the topic, share alternative experiences within the field of social work, and possibly connect our students with prospective mentors for further guidance. Through Adobe Connect, we are able to transform our classroom into a customized virtual stage to create truly personalized, dynamic and interactive guest speaker presentations. This chapter will discuss how adjusting the size of the webcam and the chat pod can improve the quality of guest speaker presentations within an online classroom.

    As I am writing this chapter, I reflect on the 42 courses I have supported as a Live Support Specialist thus far, many of which included at least one guest speaker at some point in the semester. If you wish to learn more about the role of our program’s tech support also known as Live Support Specialist (LSS), please refer to this chapter’s section “Teaching team structure and the Live Support Specialist role.” In addition to my experience as an LSS, I aim to tie in my personal experience guest speaking in several online courses at Columbia University School of Social Work (CSSW).
    Dedicated Chat Pods for Simulated Client Role Play Video Exercise in an Online Skills-Based Lab
    In this chapter we will show how dedicated chat pods in Adobe Connect were used in a simulated client role play video exercise in a motivational interviewing skills-based lab for master’s level social work students. We will also discuss how these particular features and functions in Adobe Connect helped support the experiential learning approach for clinical skills training.
    “Good Point. I Agree.”: Challenging Students to Create “Thoughtful Contributions” in Class
    Use of the chat feature in Adobe Connect and of discussion forums in learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas are two popular pedagogical strategies for encouraging students to contribute in online classes. However, high quality student contributions should move beyond agreement with others in order to maximize learning. In this chapter, I share the process of how collaboratively drafting a list of what constitutes “thoughtful contributions” to class can lead to richer online class learning opportunities.
    A Moment of Action: Opening an Inclusive, Engaged, and Trauma-Informed Classroom
    An alternative to a Moment of Silence, a Moment of Action encourages student activism as a formalized opening exercise. Using a PROP-informed (power, racism, oppression, and privilege) framework, the Moment of Action is a practice that holds space in the classroom to acknowledge current events from a trauma-informed lens. This is especially necessary given the intensity of today’s political and social climate. The Moment of Action allows the whole class to share their perspectives, provide resources, and act in alignment with social work ethics. Its consistency, paired with the real-time flexibility to incorporate events, allows students to reflect on issues of importance before transitioning into the day’s coursework
    In-Class Breaks: The Importance of Taking a Break During Online Classes and Considerations for Break Activities
    This chapter discusses the importance of taking in-class breaks and the steps for how you might do this in your online classroom. Based on our combined experiences in the role of student, instructor, and classroom support, we offer our knowledge of essential considerations when planning in-class breaks. In addition, we provide suggestions for optional activities to complete during the break.
    Community-building in Adobe Connect: Using Layouts and Different Pods to Facilitate Games and Icebreaker Activities
    This chapter discusses the importance of taking in-class breaks and the steps for how you might do this in your online classroom. Based on our combined experiences in the role of student, instructor, and classroom support, we offer our knowledge of essential considerations when planning in-class breaks. In addition, we provide suggestions for optional activities to complete during the break.
    Building Online Class Community Through Photos and Storytelling
    In this chapter, I describe an activity in which students have the opportunity to volunteer to share photos of themself or family members and use short 1-2 minute presentations at the beginning of each class to share about themselves. The goal of this activity is to build class community, empower student participation, and deepen awareness of class diversity.
    “Student Spotlight” Activity: Cultivating an Empathetic Online Community
    “Student Spotlight” is an engagement activity for which instructors can allot up to five minutes of class time to allow students to get to know one another as well as the instructional team. 
    This activity consists of using the Adobe Connect Randomizer Tool to randomly select a student from the attendees in the room. The selected attendee is invited to come on microphone and camera. If the student is unable to come on camera, they are encouraged to only use the microphone. A short-answer poll is then shared with the class, and students are encouraged to submit a question for their colleague. The selected attendee is welcome to choose the questions they would like to answer, and answer as many or as few questions as they would like within the time period allotted. 

    The course Human Behavior in the Social Environment taught by Amelia Ortega utilized this activity in the beginning of each class to create a sense of community online as well as help students connect and network with one another. This chapter is written from my perspective as a graduate student experiencing this exercise firsthand and as a Live Support Specialist: handling all the technical aspects of preparing for and implementing the live session, allowing the professor to focus on teaching (Báez et al, 2019.)
    Using Emojis in Adobe Connect to Encourage Student Engagement
    This chapter will discuss the benefits of using emojis in your online classroom, as well as different ways to incorporate them into your class sessions.
    AHA Moments: Connecting Online Course Content to Field Education
    “The intent of field education is to integrate the theoretical and conceptual contribution of the classroom with the practical world of the practice setting. It is a basic precept of social work education that the two interrelated components of curriculum—classroom and field—are of equal importance within the curriculum and each contributes to the development of the requisite competencies of professional practice.” (EPAS, 2015) 

     Human Behavior and the Social Environment (HBSE) courses focus on theories and models of human behavior. Often when we are learning theory, we find that we have an “AHA” moment where real world experience and theory come together. In this course activity, I ask students to integrate theory and their field experiences. Each student searches out at least one “AHA” moment they experience over the course of the semester where they connect a theory and a moment in their field experience coming together. This “AHA” moment is then shared with the learning community in our Adobe Connect classroom. These shared examples reinforce the importance of both classroom and field components of social work curriculum.
    Using Layouts to Facilitate Guided Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga in Adobe Connect Classrooms
    Research is emerging about the effectiveness of online Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) on well-being, mental health, stress, depressive symptoms and anxiety (Spijkerman, Pots, and Bohlmeijer, 2016). As the world becomes more virtually accessible and online learning continues to grow across professions, creativity in classroom design is important for learning and student well-being. In this chapter I discuss how to design an effective layout in Adobe Connect to practice mindfulness in the classroom. In the following example, a social work professor used the Adobe Connect classroom to virtually teach social work students mindfulness, meditation, and yoga-based intervention skills that could be utilized personally and/or professionally/clinically. As the Live Support Specialist responsible for setting up the Adobe Classroom in advance, I carefully considered how to keep slides and/or videos visible that would be used for demonstration and reference, while also creating a space large enough for the entire class to come on camera collectively to practice chair yoga together.
    Mindfulness and the Engaged Online Classroom
    In this chapter we share how mindfulness practices can be leveraged to support various goals including creating an engaged virtual learning environment, and to enhance a student’s toolkit for self-care and clients as a future practitioner.
    Chair Yoga in the Online Classroom 
    In this chapter, we share a simple chair yoga routine that can be used during online classes in Adobe Connect.
    Using PhotoVoice as a Teaching Tool in the Adobe Connect Classroom
    This case study: 
    * Discusses the use of PhotoVoice to teach human development in the Adobe Connect classroom. 
    * Reviews steps to scaffolding student knowledge related to the theory and implementation of a PhotoVoice project. 
    * Shares how students used visual imagery and captioning individually and in a group to deepen their understanding of gender and sexuality
    Using a Creative Award Presentation to Review Semester Content and Leave a Lasting Impact
    In this example, we share how putting together a fun, creative recording of key course content can leave a lasting impression on students' learning.
    Creating a Virtual Quilt: A Final Class Activity/Tool
    A termination quilt is the cumulative visual of a class’s experience in a virtual format. Similar to a physical quilt that is created by joining together multiple unique squares, this virtual quilt is made up of individual photos or images created by the students in an online classroom. 

    This chapter is written from my perspective as a Live Support Specialist (LSS). As a LSS, I was responsible for setting up the virtual platform (Adobe Connect) and ensuring that the virtual tools we used (polls, slides, music, etc.) were ready for the live session and ran smoothly. As a LSS, I also provided live technical support to students and the instructional team.
    Enriching Classroom Discussions with Breakout Rooms
    Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect have the potential to create an intimate classroom experience where students can engage with each other and group-based, participatory learning can be facilitated. This chapter describes how Adobe Connect breakout rooms can be used for short in-class activities, highlighting four different use cases. The four types of breakout group discussion activities include 1) discussions based on the homework, 2) discussions based on in-class materials and lectures, 3) a case study analysis, and 4) group project-based work. These examples are drawn from my experiences conducting breakout groups in a wide range of classes, including the course Program Planning and Development taught by Rick Greenberg, and is written from my perspective as a teaching associate: supporting the professor with the course, including planning and facilitating breakout activities.
    Enhancing Student Engagement in the 10-Minute Breakout Activity: Pre-assigning Groups and Roles
    Pre-assigning breakout groups and student roles for 10-minute breakout activities during live sessions is a practice that supports time management and diversification of student roles and responsibilities. Students report that a 10-minute breakout activity often feels like a short amount of time and this tool helps maximize the time for activity engagement. It also ensures that all students share breakout group role responsibilities throughout the semester. In an effort to honor trauma-informed practices, instructional teams send an announcement with pre-assignments prior to the live session so that students can prepare accordingly
    Showing Note Pods from Breakout Groups in one Layout to Debrief or Monitor Progress of a Breakout Conversation: Using a Birds Eye View Setup
    After a breakout group activity, instructors may want to have students debrief their conversations. Providing a view of the note pods each group used in their breakout room can facilitate this discussion. I refer to this layout as a “birds eye view” because it allows you to take in information from each breakout room at a glance. Instructors can also use this layout to monitor the progress groups are making during the breakout activity. This chapter demonstrates an example of what this layout might look like.
    KWL Charts: How to Implement this Teaching Technique in the Adobe Connect Online Classroom
    Taking ownership of one’s learning process can be an empowering activity for graduate students. Utilizing a KWL chart (Know, Want to know, Learned) assists students in this reflective process from start to finish. KWL charts work well with contained lessons, guest speakers, or for an entire semester’s reflection.
    Breakout Exercise for Collective Syllabus Annotation in Adobe Connect
    In this example, we present a breakout exercise to review a course syllabus on the first day of class. We also share how to set up the exercise using features of Adobe Connect.
    Concept Mapping: Bringing Universal Design for Learning to the Adobe Connect Classroom
    Concept mapping is a visual aid that students create through identifying relationships between and among important concepts. Concept mapping is an effective way to creatively engage students in the learning process when introducing new topics, hard-to-grasp ideas, or needing students to expand their knowledge on a previously learned subject.
    An Example of Using the Whiteboard for Small Breakout Groups in Adobe Connect: “Draw Poverty”
    In this example, I will share how to use the whiteboard for small breakout groups in Adobe Connect. I will also share an example of a whiteboard activity I found meaningful for social work students learning in an online environment. This submission is written from my perspective as a Live Support Specialist. I was responsible for taking the instructor’s ideas and agenda items and producing them on the Adobe Connect virtual platform with engaging and user friendly solutions. I utilized a variety of virtual tools, provided technical support, and facilitated an organized communication system for seamless “behind the scenes” collaboration during class. I also occasionally participated in the discussion or presentation of course concepts when my experience in the field of social work was solicited.
    Scripted Role Play in Adobe Connect: Practicing Clinical Skills in an Online Classroom
    This chapter describes how scripted role play activities were conducted in breakout rooms using the Adobe Connect platform and provides insights for educators interested in adopting similar activities in their classroom. Two courses (Introduction to Prolonged Grief Treatment and Foundations of Grief Therapy) taught by Katherine Shear used scripted role plays to practice clinical skills and engage and reflect on the emotional experience of engaging in grief therapy. The chapter is written from my perspective as a teaching associate: supporting the professor with the course material as well as occasionally participating in the role play when the number of students in the class required me to do so.
    Dimensions of Self Care: Exploring Clinical Issues for Social Workers in an Online Classroom
    In this example, we will share how and why we utilized Adobe Connect to explore self-care in a classroom setting. We will also explore how different features of Adobe Connect can be used to facilitate activities similar to this one, such as utilizing polls and breakout rooms
    The Use of Polls to Facilitate Post-Role Play Exercise Debriefing Discussions in an Online Skills Lab
    This chapter will provide a case example of how we used polls to facilitate debriefing discussions among students after conducting role play exercises in an online motivational interviewing skills-based training lab for first year MSW students.
    Ending a Course with Gratitude: A Unique and Memorable Activity Acknowledging Student Contributions to the Class Community
    Inspired by supporting several hundred live class sessions as a Live Support Specialist at Columbia University School of Social Work, I have created a unique class activity to recognize each student’s contributions to the class community. The “Acknowledging your peer” exercise is a student-led breakout room activity to conclude a course and help students create graduate school memories they can carry for a lifetime