Inviting a guest speaker into a live class session can be an excellent way of diversifying our lectures. It allows us to introduce a new perspective on the topic, share alternative experiences within the field of social work, and possibly connect our students with prospective mentors for further guidance. Through Adobe Connect, we are able to transform our classroom into a customized virtual stage to create truly personalized, dynamic and interactive guest speaker presentations. This chapter will discuss how adjusting the size of the webcam and the chat pod can improve the quality of guest speaker presentations within an online classroom.
As I am writing this chapter, I reflect on the 42 courses I have supported as a Live Support Specialist thus far, many of which included at least one guest speaker at some point in the semester. If you wish to learn more about the role of our program’s tech support also known as Live Support Specialist (LSS), please refer to this chapter’s section “Teaching team structure and the Live Support Specialist role.” In addition to my experience as an LSS, I aim to tie in my personal experience guest speaking in several online courses at Columbia University School of Social Work (CSSW).