, Rogers, C., Summers, M., McMurry, B., , & Phillips, M. (2022). Positive Psychology in the Classroom: Lesson Plans for English Language Teachers. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/PositivePsychologyintheClassroom
Students will...
Explain to students that you will talk about being grateful and about ways to express gratitude.
Give the students a minute or so to discuss the following questions:
Present lexical family: gratitude (n.)/thankfulness, grateful (adj.)/thankful, to be grateful (v.)/thankful, gratefully (adv.)/thankfully
Fill in the blanks while talking to a partner:
Walk around the classroom and ask three different students what they are grateful for. Write their name and answer on a piece of paper. Teacher asks students about what their partners are grateful for.
Share with a partner three words you learned today.
Record yourself expressing gratitude for at least three things in your life.
Write a thank-you note to the anonymous donor that gave each student $200. Teacher explains what a thank-you note looks like and gives some time to the students to write their notes. Please bring those to the office before Wednesday at 3pm. They will be bound in a book, so doing this on normal paper would work great.
1-2 min: Express gratitude for something/someone in your life using the expression I feel gratitude because of/for.... Share with a partner.
1-2 min: Express gratitude for something/someone in your life using the expression I am grateful/thankful for... Share with a partner.
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