Purpose: This assignment is the culmination assignment for the TELL Practicum. You can get a copy of the Final Reflection by clicking this link. Reflect on your work as you completed assignments and taught in the classroom.
Learning Outcomes potentially met: Across the practicum you have had the opportunity to meet all of the learning outcomes for the k-12 TESOL Monor and the ESL Endorsement.
Language and Linguistics:
A. know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language and linguistic systems to support English language learners’ development of literacy.
B. knowledge and skills to construct learning environments that support development of English language proficiency: literacy, academic, and cognitive development. (footnote language and definition)
Cultural Diversity Domain:
A. know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the nature and role of culture and cultural groups.
B. create a learning environment that is sensitive to and supportive of English language learner’s cultural identities, language and literacy development, and content area knowledge.
Instruction Domain:
A. know, understand, and use the Utah English Language Proficiency Standards in selection of programs, practices and strategies related to planning, implementing, and managing ESL and content instruction, including classroom, organization, teaching strategies for development and integrating language skills, and choosing and adapting classroom resources.
B. Synthesize ESL research and history and apply it in practice and collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders to improve English language learning.
Assessment Domain:
A. Candidates understand issues of assessment and accommodation and will use a variety of measurement tools to evaluate English language learners for placement, proficiency and instruction.
B. Use assessment data to plan, adapt and implement instruction for English language learners according to their level of English language proficiency.
Family, School, & Community Involvement: A. Candidates understand the role and contribution of family and community in the cognitive, linguistic and social development of students. Candidates provide support and advocacy for ELLs and their families and understand the history, laws, and policies of ESL teaching. Candidates work in partnerships with families and communities to create positive learning environments. B. Evaluate, select, and advocate for applicable models of family and community involvement and support implementation.
1. Carefully peruse the assignment questions to be sure you understand what your reflection needs to be. This is the rubric which the grader uses to evaluate your reflection. You can get a copy of the Final Reflection by looking in Appendix A. Consulting the Inclusive Pedagogy Framework could be of assistance as well.
2. Consider carefully your work in the classroom and the mentor teacher with whom you worked. It is a good idea to write daily notes to yourself as you complete the practicum to remember items you can include in your reflection.