• Textiles and Tapestries
  • Abstract and Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • I. Exploring Weavings of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices through Self-Study Research
  • II. Inspiring New Methods, Frameworks, and Collaborations through Self-Study Research
  • III. Forming New Understandings from Self-Study Research
  • Appendices
  • Download
  • Translations
  • III

    Forming New Understandings from Self-Study Research

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

    Viktor Frankl

    The chapters in section three delve into the layers upon layers of new understandings constructed through the authors’ careful untangling, unfolding, and unstitching of diverse teaching events, professional practices, and personal experiences. It is through this delicate and often difficult process of deconstruction, that we see the authors balancing in spaces of vulnerability, warmth, chaos, and questioning. Within these spaces, containing elements of both challenge and comfort, the authors respond in new ways and come to know the individual components resting before them. The methodological space of self-study research provides the opportunity to imagine, to recognize, and to practice how one might re-fold, re-stitch, and re-tangle the pieces as a means of forming new understandings through self-study research. Collectively, the chapters celebrate the spaces that encourage us to take it all apart, so that we can put it all back together again, and ultimately, create a new textile carefully stitched with new threads of understanding.

    Introducing New Practices in a Teacher Education ClassroomExploring the Contribution of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice to the Conversation on Research on Teacher EducationThe Self You Have to Live WithA Closer LookTeaching Across Time and SpaceWeaving English-Language Learner Instruction into a Differentiation CurriculumEnacting a Personal Pedagogy of Facilitating Professional Learning for TeachersQueering my PraxisRe-Envisioning Early Childhood Mathematics Education Weaving Formal Teacher Education with Non-Formal Environmental EducationWeaving Threads of CareA Self-Study: Facilitating an Early Childhood Critical Literacy Junk Art Club with Preservice TeachersBreaking Out of Well-Worn GroovesWeaving Our StrengthsTeacher Educators' Embodied Resilience in Responding to Race-Based Critical Incidents in Social Justice EducationCharacteristics of Critical Friendship that Transform Professional IdentityDialogue Practices in Teacher Education ClassroomsDigitally InclinedStitching Together our Personal and Professional SelvesWilling to Turn to The BodyWeaving Discussions with QuestioningTensions of Learning on the JobUneasy is the Teacher EducatorLearning to Productively Struggle with Self-Study through Feedback and Failed AttemptsPulling on the Threads of Our Teaching Practices

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