• Integrating Content and Language Instruction
  • Welcome to TELL
  • Session One: Positioning Myself to Integrate Content and Promote Academic Language
  • Session Two: Deepening Understanding of TELL Conceptual Tools
  • Session Three: Building Knowledge of Vocabulary
  • Session Four: Strengthening Curriculum by Adjusting for ELs
  • Session Five: Learning from Feedback
  • Session Six: Practicing Developing MSDLAs
  • Session Seven: Enacting an MSDLA to Review SIOP
  • Session Eight: Demonstrating My Knowing of Integrating Content and Language Instruction
  • Download
  • Translations
  • HW 1.2 Learning Teaching through Multi-media Cases and Expert Perspectives

    Understanding Conxtextualization


    Learning Outcome Pedagogical Intent Student Position

    Demonstrate knowledge and use of the Utah English Language Proficiency Standards in selection of programs, practices, and strategies related to planning, implementing, and managing ESL and content instruction, including classroom, organization, teaching strategies for developing and integrating language skills, and choosing and adapting classroom resources. 

    Assessment: 50 pts.

    Due: Session 2


    Through watching videos and listening to analysis of them, teachers will be able to understand and employ the Standards for Effective Pedagogy in their own teaching. 


    Students have learned about each of the conceptual tools utilized in the endorsement program. They are now ready to observe, learn from, and critique teachers acting on these tools in their regular classroom practice. 


    1. For this activity you will view the VideoEthnography you have chosen and respond on the worksheet linked below. The directions and the link to the VideoEthnography are on the worksheet.
    2. You will use the Contextualization (CTX) worksheet to record your learning based on which VideoEthnography you have selected to study. 
    3. Notice there are two columns to report your findings. One to note your observations of the study and one to note the ideas you draw from listening to or reading all of the perspectives for each prompt. Finally under the chart your will record and be prepared to share next time three Ahas in relationship to your own practice.  .
    4. Click on the teacher you have chosen and it will take you to the worksheet and an overview of the entire case.

      This content is provided to you freely by EdTech Books.

      Access it online or download it at https://edtechbooks.org/language_integration/hw_13_family_school_a.