Learning Outcome |
Pedagogical Intent |
Student Position |
Articulate issues of assessment as they affect learners’ development of English language skills, their access to the Utah core curriculum, and their placement in appropriate programs.
Assessment: 50 pts.
Due: Session 4
Teachers can design, plan for, and use stronger collaboartive tasks in their instruction which increase opportunities for ELs to participate and use academic language and learn content.
Students are learning about English language assessment practices and group work as a site for promoting learning and literacy, and a site where teachers can track that learning in informal work.
1.Read WIDA focus on Group Work for Content Learning. Notice how it connects to the CREDE Standards of Effective Pedagogy reviewed in LA 3.1.
2 Prepare a short report that responds to the items listed below:
a.Explain (based on past learning, professional development or your personal experience) how collaborative work can support ELs in engaging with and participating in your class. Consider in your answer how these activites support ELs in devleoping academic language and learning course content.
b.Describe how you currently use collaborative work now and how you might alter, improve, or employ it in your teaching. Reveal any hesitancies you have and how the reading you did for this homework addressed those hesitancies. Make a list of the principles you use or will use to guide you as you develop group work.
c.Explore how collaborative products (joint productive activities) can be informal assessments and contribute to your understanding of student learning and be part of your grade records.
d.Identify places in your curriculum or schedule where you currently do not enage students in producing joint productive activities but you could.