Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
Welcome to Hybrid-Flexible Course Design!
Unit I. Hybrid-Flexible Course Design to Support Student-Directed Learning Paths
1.1. Beginnings
1.2. Costs and Benefits for Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs
1.3. Values and Principles of Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
1.4. Designing a Hybrid-Flexible Course
Unit II. Implementation and Adoption of Hybrid-Flexible Instruction
2.1. Teaching a Hybrid-Flexible Course
2.2. Learning in a Hybrid-Flexible Course
2.3. Supporting Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs
2.4. Expanding the Implementation of Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs
2.5. Evaluating the Impact of Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs
Unit III. Hybrid-Flexible Implementations Around the World
3.1. Fitting Flexibility Across the Curriculum
3.2. One Size Fits None
3.3. New Technologies Deliver on the Promise of HyFlex
3.4. Using HyFlex in Statistics for Engineers and (Data) Scientists
3.5. HyFlex in Northern Ontario
3.6. HyFlex at Montana State University Billings
3.7. A Faculty Transitional Journey from Single Mode to HyFlex Teaching
3.8. Hyflex Learning within the Master of Teaching Program@KU Leuven
3.9. Increasing Flexibility, Satisfaction, and Efficiency Using the Hybrid Flexible Approach
3.10. A Modified Version of HyFlex
3.11. Video Lab HyFlex: Practical Experiences of Courses with Practical Applications
3.12. One University’s Hybrid-Flexible ‘Studyflex’ Course Experience in Melbourne, Australia
3.13. HyFlex Teaching and Learning at Bow Valley College
3.14. Evolving HyFlex from Emergency Measure to Sustainable Program: Northern State University
3.15. HyFlex Learning: Starting from where you are
3.16. HyFlexK12
3.X. Contribute Your Hybrid-Flexible Story
Appendix A. Bibliography of Hybrid-Flexible Literature (using various terms)
Appendix B. Index
Appendix C. Author Affiliations
Appendix D. Author Biographies
Practical Experience of Courses with Practical Applications: Video Lab HyFlex
Video Lab HyFlex: Practical Experiences of Courses with Practical Applications
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