• Learning MySQL By Example
  • Introduction
  • 1. How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table
  • 2. How to Retrieve Data from Multiple Tables
  • 3. Using Functions
  • 4. How to Insert, Update, Delete Data in Tables
  • 5. Summary Queries and Aggregate Functions
  • 6. Working With Subqueries
  • 7. SQL Views
  • 8. SQL Indexes
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Download
  • Translations
  • Index

    aggregate functions 3and 26arithmetic operators 2avg 10between 4ceiling 5column 35column aliases 2column specifications 4comparison operators 4concat 4count 64current_date 3current_time 3date 44delete 7distinct 15floor 5group by 10having 8in 165index 3indexes 2insert 7is null 4join 18left 11like 8limit 4logical operators 4ltrim 3min 5now 5null 9or not 1order by 15outer join 2regexp 6right 7round 7rtrim 3select 70sql indexes 1sql view 1sql views 1subquery 3sum 2trim 7truncate 5union 3update 8utc_date 3utc_time 3view 6views 3where 40

    aggregate functions

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. Filtering aggregate functions With The HAVING Clause

    Aggregate Functions

    1. aggregate functions
    2. Table 1. aggregate functions List


    The DELETE Clause

    1. …    WHERE name = 'san felipe' and countrycode = 'chl';
    2. WHERE name = 'san felipe' and countrycode = 'chl';

    Grouping Data

    1. Filtering With WHERE and HAVING

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. … that includes both the HAVING and WHERE clause in the same SQL statement.

    COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)

    1. COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)


    1. … databases that you can download and install in your local MySQL instance.…
    2. … will include SQL design basics and guidance on how to install MySQL and MySQL…

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. LIKE and REGEXP Operators
    2. and, OR, NOT Logical Operators
    3. and
    4. Separates two string patterns and matches either one
    5. … countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'and population > 100000ORDER BY population…
    6. … countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";
    7. Table 4. Operators and precendence order
    8. ( a and b ) –If  both a and b are present, item is included

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. LIKE and REGEXP Operators
    2. Separates two string patterns and matches either one

    Arithmetic Operators

    1. Table 4. Operators and precedence order

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. … countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. and, OR, NOT Logical Operators
    2. and
    3. … countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'and population > 100000ORDER BY population…
    4. ( a and b ) –If  both a and b are present, item is included

    The JOIN Clause

    1. … table aliases of co for country and ci for city are defined in the FROM clause…

    Date Functions

    1. * Returns current local date and time.

    String Functions

    1. LOCATE(), and LENGTH() accept a string but return an integer. • SUBSTRING()…

    arithmetic operators

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. arithmetic operators

    Arithmetic Operators

    1. arithmetic operators


    Simple GROUP BY Query

    1. USE bike;SELECT category_id, avg(list_price)FROM productGROUP BY category_id
    2. SELECT category_id, avg(list_price):

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. … category_name,     CONCAT('$', ROUND(avg(list_price),2)) AS 'Average List…
    2.      CONCAT('$', ROUND(avg(list_price),2)) AS 'Average List Price'

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. HAVING avg(list_price) > 1000
    2. USE bike;SELECT category_id, avg(list_price)FROM productGROUP BY category_idHAVING…

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. USE bike;SELECT category_id, avg(list_price)FROM productWHERE model_year =…
    2. HAVING avg(list_price) > 1000

    Aggregate Functions

    1. USE bike;SELECT avg(list_price), SUM(list_price), MIN(list_price),    …
    2. avg([DISTINCT] column_values)


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. between Operators
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name between "Aruba" and "Bahamas";

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. between Operators
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name between "Aruba" and "Bahamas";


    Numeric Functions

    1. FLOOR, ceiling, TRUNCATE
    2. … list_price, FLOOR(list_price), ceiling(list_price),    TRUNCATE(list_price,…
    3. ceiling(number)
    4. ceiling(6.2)
    5. Table 6. FLOOR, ceiling, TRUNCATE functions


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. column Aliases
    2. Show all columns
    3. Comma separated list of column names
    4. … previous example, we created a new column that was a calculated value. The problem…
    5. column Name
    6. Table 1. column Specifications
    7. … then in quotes we put the new column alias of “People per square mile.”…

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. Show all columns
    2. Comma-separated list of column names
    3. column Name
    4. Table 1. column Specifications

    Column Specifications

    1. column Specifications
    2. Show all columns
    3. column Name
    4. Comma separated list of column names
    5. column Specifications

    Column Aliases

    1. column Aliases
    2. … previous example, we created a new column that was a calculated value. The problem…
    3. … then in quotes we put the new column alias of “People per square mile.”…

    The JOIN Clause

    1. … whole table name to qualify a column, you can use a table alias.

    The INSERT Clause With a Column List

    1. The INSERT Clause With a column List
    2. … of an INSERT statement with a column list:

    The INSERT Clause Without a Column List

    1. The INSERT Clause Without a column List

    Grouping Data

    1. … rows of a result set based on columns or expressions separated by commas.

    COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)

    1. COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)

    Aggregate Functions

    1. SUM([DISTINCT] column_values)
    2. MIN([DISTINCT] column_values)
    3. The average of the non-null columns in the expression
    4. MAX([DISTINCT] column_values)
    5. COUNT([DISTINCT] column_values)
    6. … highest value of the non-null columns in the expression
    7. AVG([DISTINCT] column_values)
    8. The total of the non-null columns in the expression
    9. … lowest value off the non-null columns in the expression
    10. The number of the non-null columns in the expression

    column aliases

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. column aliases

    Column Aliases

    1. column aliases

    column specifications

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. Table 1. column specifications

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. Table 1. column specifications

    Column Specifications

    1. column specifications
    2. column specifications

    comparison operators

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. comparison operators
    2. Table 5. comparison operators

    Comparison Operators

    1. comparison operators
    2. Table 5. comparison operators


    String Functions

    1. concat
    2. USE world;SELECT concat(name, ', ', continent)FROM country;

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. … bike;SELECT category_name,     concat('$', ROUND(AVG(list_price),2)) AS 'Average…
    2.      concat('$', ROUND(AVG(list_price),2)) AS 'Average List Price'


    The INSERT Clause With a Column List

    1. (name, countryCode, district, population) 
    2. … INTO city 3        (name, countryCode, district, population) 4    VALUES 5…

    The DELETE Clause

    1. …  WHERE name = 'san felipe' AND countrycode = 'chl';
    2. WHERE name = 'san felipe' AND countrycode = 'chl';

    COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)

    1. count(column_name) and count(*)
    2. USE bike;SELECT count(phone), count(*) FROM CUSTOMER

    Using the DISTINCT Statement

    1. ExampleUSE bike;SELECT count(list_price), count(DISTINCT list_price) FROM product;

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. (SELECT countryCode FROM countrylanguage WHERE population = 0)
    2. 1    UPDATE country 2    SET GNPOld = 0.00 3    WHERE Code IN 4  …
    3. UPDATE country

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. (SELECT code FROM country
    2. … world;DELETE FROM city_bakWHERE countryCode IN    (SELECT code FROM country …
    3. WHERE countryCode IN

    Benefits of Using Views

    1. USE WORLD;CREATE VIEW city_country ASSELECT ci.name AS city_name, co.name AS…
    2. CREATE VIEW city_country AS
    3. … ci.name AS city_name, co.name AS country_name
    4.      JOIN country co
    5.     ON ci.countryCode = co.Code;
    6. Results by selecting from the city_country view:

    Aggregate Functions

    1. count(*)
    2. … MIN(list_price),     MAX(list_price), count(list_price), count(*)FROM product;
    3. count([DISTINCT] column_values)

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. WHERE countryCode IN
    2. …    FROM city 4    WHERE countryCode IN 5        (SELECT code 6  …
    3.  FROM country

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    2. … “People per square mile”FROM country;
    3. SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS NULL;
    4. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    5. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countryWHERE population > 1000000;
    6. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'AND population…
    7. … "People per square mile"FROM country;
    8. … world;SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";
    9. … DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;
    10. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name LIKE ‘A%’

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. … name3    FROM city4    WHERE countryCode = “AFG”5    ORDER BY name6…

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    2. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name LIKE ‘A%’

    Arithmetic Operators

    1. … "People per square mile"FROM country;

    Column Aliases

    1. … “People per square mile”FROM country;

    Comparison Operators

    1. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countryWHERE population > 1000000;

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. USE world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    2. SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS NULL;
    3. … world;SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'AND population…

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. … DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;

    The JOIN Clause

    1. … “City Name”, co.name AS “country Name”
    2. JOIN country co
    3. ON ci.countryCode = co.Code;
    4. … AS "City Name", 3        country.name AS "country Name" 4    FROM country 6…
    5. … aliases. The table aliases of co for country and ci for city are defined in…
    6. … Name", 3        co.name AS "country Name" 4    FROM city ci 5    …

    Joining More Than Two Tables

    1. ON cl.countryCode = ci.countryCode;
    2. JOIN countrylanguage cl.
    3. … Name",3        co.name AS "country Name", 4        cl.language AS…

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. ON c.code = cl.countryCode
    2. FROM country c LEFT JOIN countrylanguage cl
    3. … c.continent, cl.language3 FROM country c LEFT JOIN countrylanguage cl4 ON c.code…

    How to Code a UNION

    1. SELECT name, populationFROM countryWHERE continent = 'Oceania'
    2. … name, populationFROM cityWHERE countryCode = 'AUS'
    3. … name, population3 FROM city WHERE countryCode = 'AUS'4 UNION5 SELECT name,…

    Date Functions

    1. … DATE_FORMAT('2020-01-28', '%m/%d/%y')FROM country;

    Numeric Functions

    1. … ROUND(LifeExpectancy) FROM world.country;

    String Functions

    1. … CONCAT(name, ', ', continent)FROM country;


    Date Functions

    1. current_date()
    2. current_date
    3. … DATE('2020-01-01') AS 'DATE(), date only',   current_date AS 'current_date',   CURRENT_TIME…


    Date Functions

    1. current_time
    2. …  CURRENT_DATE AS 'CURRENT_DATE',   current_time AS 'current_time',   UTC_DATE…
    3. current_time()


    Date Functions

    1. date_FORMAT
    2. date_ADD
    3. dateDIFF
    4. Current date/Time Functions
    5. date, dateTIME
    6. Table 1. Current date Functions
    7. CURRENT_date()
    8. date
    9. date(date)
    10. CURRENT_date
    11. Table 3. date_FORMAT Function
    12. * Returns current local date
    13. date_FORMAT
    14. date/time
    15. Table 2. date_ADD Function
    16. date
    17. SELECT NOW() AS 'NOW()',    date('2020-01-01') AS 'date(), date only', …
    18. dates must be enclosed in quotes • You can pass a date or dateTIME datatype…
    19. SELECT dateDIFF('2018-01-01', '2019-01-01') AS 'date Difference';
    20. * extracts the date from input. If time is included, the time is dropped.
    21. date_FORMAT(‘2020-09-03’, ‘%m/%d/%y’)
    22. … world;SELECT name, continent, date_FORMAT('2020-01-28', '%m/%d/%y')FROM country;
    23. * Returns current local date and time.
    24. date/time
    25. USE bike;SELECT order_date,    date_ADD(order_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS 'ORDER…
    26. * Returns current UTC date.
    27. date
    28. date('2020-01-01 11:31:31')
    29. date_ADD(date, interval expression unit)
    30. * Returns current UTC date.
    31. UTC_date()
    32. UTC_date
    33. date_ADD(‘2020-01-01’, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
    34. • Returns a date with a date or dateTIME value equal to the original value…

    The UPDATE Clause With a Column List

    1. The UPdate Clause
    2. UPdate city
    3. 1    USE world; 2    UPdate city 3    SET Population = 65000, district…

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. The Subquery in an UPdate statement
    2. 1    UPdate country 2    SET GNPOld = 0.00 3    WHERE Code IN 4  …
    3. UPdate country

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. … Before you can run a DELETE or UPdate statement without a WHERE clause, you…

    Views That Allow UPDATE Statements

    1. … Views That Can Be Used With an UPdate Statement

    Aggregate Functions

    1. numeric, date, string
    2. numeric, date, string


    The DELETE Clause

    1. The delete Clause
    2. 1    USE world;2    delete 3    FROM city 4    WHERE name = 'san felipe'…
    3. delete 

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. The Subquery in a delete statement
    2. delete FROM city_bak
    3. USE world;delete FROM city_bakWHERE CountryCode IN    (SELECT code FROM country …
    4. NOTE: Before you can run a delete or UPDATE statement without a WHERE clause,…


    Using the DISTINCT Statement

    1. Removing Duplicate Values With distinct
    2. … bike;SELECT COUNT(list_price), COUNT(distinct list_price) FROM product;

    Aggregate Functions

    1. SUM([distinct] column_values)
    2. MIN([distinct] column_values)
    3. MAX([distinct] column_values)
    4. COUNT([distinct] column_values)
    5. AVG([distinct] column_values)

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. distinct Keyword
    2. distinct
    3. Table 7. distinct Keyword
    4. SELECT distinct continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. distinct Keyword
    2. distinct
    3. Table 7. distinct Keyword
    4. SELECT distinct continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;


    Numeric Functions

    1. floor, CEILING, TRUNCATE
    2. floor(7.7)
    3. USE bike;SELECT list_price, floor(list_price), CEILING(list_price),    TRUNCATE(list_price,…
    4. floor(number)
    5. Table 6. floor, CEILING, TRUNCATE functions

    group by

    Grouping Data

    1. Using the group by Clause
    2. Table 1. group by Function
    3. group by

    Simple GROUP BY Query

    1. group by category_id:
    2. … category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productgroup by category_id

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. Improving the group by Query
    2. … p.category_id = c.category_idgroup by category_nameORDER BY category_name;
    3. group by category_name

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. … category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productgroup by category_idHAVING AVG(list_price)…

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. … productWHERE model_year = 2016group by category_idHAVING AVG(list_price) > 1000


    Grouping Data

    1. Filtering With WHERE And having

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. … Aggregate Functions With The having Clause
    2. having AVG(list_price) > 1000
    3. … AVG(list_price)FROM productGROUP BY category_idhaving AVG(list_price) > 1000
    4. … so we will focus solely on the having clause.

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. … model_year = 2016GROUP BY category_idhaving AVG(list_price) > 1000
    2. having AVG(list_price) > 1000
    3. … statement that includes both the having and WHERE clause in the same SQL statement.


    The INSERT Clause With a Column List

    1. The inSERT Clause With a Column List
    2. Below is a basic example of an inSERT statement with a column list:
    3. inSERT inTO city
    4. Results of the insert:
    5. 1    USE world;2    inSERT inTO city 3        (name, countryCode,…

    The INSERT Clause Without a Column List

    1. The inSERT Clause Without a Column List
    2. 1    USE world;2    inSERT inTO city 3    VALUES 4        (DEFAULT,…

    Grouping Data

    1. Filtering With WHERE And HAVinG
    2. Using the GROUP BY Clause

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. Improving the GROUP BY Query
    2. … List Price'FROM product p    JOin category c    ON p.category_id = c.category_idGROUP…
    3.      JOin category c

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. Filtering Aggregate Functions With The HAVinG Clause
    2. HAVinG AVG(list_price) > 1000
    3. … productGROUP BY category_idHAVinG AVG(list_price) > 1000
    4. … previously discussed the preceding lines of code for this query so we will…

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. … = 2016GROUP BY category_idHAVinG AVG(list_price) > 1000
    2. HAVinG AVG(list_price) > 1000
    3. … an example of a statement that includes both the HAVinG and WHERE clause…

    Using the DISTINCT Statement

    1. Removing Duplicate Values With DISTinCT
    2. … COUNT(list_price), COUNT(DISTinCT list_price) FROM product;

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. The Subquery in an UPDATE statement
    2. … GNPOld = 0.00 3    WHERE Code in 4    (SELECT CountryCode FROM countrylanguage…
    3. WHERE Code in

    Create a Duplicate Table From An Existing Table

    1. … Duplicate Table from an Existing Table with a Select Statement

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. The Subquery in a DELETE statement
    2. … FROM city_bakWHERE CountryCode in    (SELECT code FROM country     …
    3. WHERE CountryCode in
    4. … uncheck “Safe Updates” checkbox in MySQL Preference. Please see below.

    Benefits of Using Views

    1. Benefits of Using Views
    2. … country_nameFROM city ci    JOin country co    ON ci.CountryCode = co.Code;
    3.      JOin country co
    4. Results by selecting from the city_country view:

    Views That Allow UPDATE Statements

    1. Creating Views That Can Be Used With an UPDATE Statement

    Clustered vs. Non-clustered Indexes

    1. Clustered vs. Non-clustered indexes

    Aggregate Functions

    1. SUM([DISTinCT] column_values)
    2. Min([DISTinCT] column_values)
    3. … average of the non-null columns in the expression
    4. … AVG(list_price), SUM(list_price), Min(list_price),     MAX(list_price),…
    5. MAX([DISTinCT] column_values)
    6. COUNT([DISTinCT] column_values)
    7. … value of the non-null columns in the expression
    8. numeric, date, string
    9. AVG([DISTinCT] column_values)
    10. … total of the non-null columns in the expression
    11. numeric, date, string
    12. … value off the non-null columns in the expression
    13. … number of the non-null columns in the expression

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. The Subquery in a SELECT Statement
    2. WHERE CountryCode in
    3. … city 4    WHERE CountryCode in 5        (SELECT code 6      …


    1. Before You Begin
    2. … databases that you can download and install in your local MySQL instance.…
    3. in a future edition, this book will include SQL design basics and guidance…

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. The in Keyword
    2. DISTinCT Keyword
    3. The clauses MUST appear in the order shown above.
    4. Matches any single character within the given range.
    5. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name in ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    6. DISTinCT
    7. Matches any single character listed within the brackets.
    8. Match the pattern to the beginning of the value being tested.
    9. Let us break the statement line by line:
    10. … but b must NOT be present to be included
    11. Eliminates duplicate rows
    12. Match any string of characters to the left of the symbol
    13. SELECT name, indepYearFROM countryWHERE indepYear IS NULL;
    14. Separates two string patterns and matches either one
    15. Matches any single character.
    16. USE world;SELECT name, indepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and…
    17. … pattern to the end of the value being tested.
    18. integer Division
    19. in the previous example, we created a new column that was a calculated value.…
    20. Table 7. DISTinCT Keyword
    21. … a and b are present, item is included
    22. SELECT DISTinCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;
    23. Match a single character
    24. … either a OR b is present item is included
    25. Modulo (remainder)
    26. We used the AS keyword then in quotes we put the new column alias of “People…

    SQL Indexes Explained

    1. When to Create an index
    2. SQL indexes

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. The clauses MUST appear in the order shown above.
    2. Let us break the statement line by line:

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. Matches any single character within the given range.
    2. Matches any single character listed within the brackets.
    3. Match the pattern to the beginning of the value being tested.
    4. Match any string of characters to the left of the symbol
    5. Separates two string patterns and matches either one
    6. Matches any single character.
    7. … pattern to the end of the value being tested.
    8. Match a single character

    Arithmetic Operators

    1. integer Division
    2. Modulo (remainder)

    Column Aliases

    1. in the previous example, we created a new column that was a calculated value.…
    2. We used the AS keyword then in quotes we put the new column alias of “People…

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. The in Keyword
    2. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name in ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    3. SELECT name, indepYearFROM countryWHERE indepYear IS NULL;
    4. USE world;SELECT name, indepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and…

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. … but b must NOT be present to be included
    2. … a and b are present, item is included
    3. … either a OR b is present item is included

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. DISTinCT Keyword
    2. DISTinCT
    3. Eliminates duplicate rows
    4. Table 7. DISTinCT Keyword
    5. SELECT DISTinCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;

    The JOIN Clause

    1. The Join Clause
    2. … write SQL statements more succinctly with an inner join clause using table…
    3. JOin country co
    4. Let us break the statement line by line:
    5. … example of a SQL statement with an inner join clause using explicit syntax.
    6. …  FROM country 6        JOin city 5            ON city.CountryCode…
    7. The results of the join query would yield the same results as shown below…
    8. …  FROM city ci 5        JOin country co 6            ON ci.CountryCode…

    Joining More Than Two Tables

    1. How to Join More than Two Tables
    2. JOin countrylanguage cl.
    3. …  FROM city ci6        JOin country co 7            ON ci.CountryCode…

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. The Outer Join Clause
    2. … SQL statement with an outer join clause.
    3. SELECT c.name, c.continent, cl.language
    4. FROM country c LEFT JOin countrylanguage cl
    5. … world;2 SELECT c.name, c.continent, cl.language3 FROM country c LEFT JOin

    How to Code a UNION

    1. … populationFROM countryWHERE continent = 'Oceania'
    2. … population6 FROM country7 WHERE continent = 'Oceania'8 ORDER BY name; 

    Date Functions

    1. • Dates must be enclosed in quotes • You can pass a DATE or DATETIME…
    2. * extracts the date from input. If time is included, the time is dropped.
    3. USE world;SELECT name, continent, DATE_FORMAT('2020-01-28', '%m/%d/%y')FROM…
    4. Minutes, numeric (00..59)
    5. … order_date,    DATE_ADD(order_date, inTERVAL 1 DAY) AS 'ORDER DATE PLUS…
    6. DATE_ADD(date, interval expression unit)
    7. DATE_ADD(‘2020-01-01’, inTERVAL 1 DAY)
    8. … DATETIME value equal to the original value plus the specified interval.

    Numeric Functions

    2. … list_price, FLOOR(list_price), CEILinG(list_price),    TRUNCATE(list_price,…
    3. CEILinG(number)
    4. CEILinG(6.2)
    5. Table 6. FLOOR, CEILinG, TRUNCATE functions

    String Functions

    2. string
    3. SUBSTRinG(str,start[,length])
    4. string
    5. string
    6. LEFT(string, num. characters)
    7. TRIM(string)
    8. string
    9. … world;SELECT CONCAT(name, ', ', continent)FROM country;
    10. string
    11. LTRIM(string)
    12. string
    13. string
    14. RIGHT(string, num. characters)
    15. … LENGTH('salmon'),     SUBSTRinG('salmon',3,999);
    16. Table 9. LOCATE. LENGTH, SUBSTRinG functions
    17. LOCATE(find,search[,start])
    18. string
    19. LOWER(string)
    20. SUBSTRinG('salmon',3,999)
    21. string
    22. string
    23. LOCATE(), and LENGTH() accept a string but return an integer. • SUBSTRinG()…
    24. RTRIM(string)
    25. string
    26. UPPER(string)


    SQL Indexes Explained

    1. When to Create an index
    2. SQL indexes

    Clustered vs. Non-clustered Indexes

    1. Clustered vs. Non-clustered indexes


    Clustered vs. Non-clustered Indexes

    1. Clustered vs. Non-clustered indexes

    SQL Indexes Explained

    1. SQL indexes


    The INSERT Clause With a Column List

    1. The insert Clause With a Column List
    2. Below is a basic example of an insert statement with a column list:
    3. insert INTO city
    4. Results of the insert:
    5. 1    USE world;2    insert INTO city 3        (name, countryCode, district,…

    The INSERT Clause Without a Column List

    1. The insert Clause Without a Column List
    2. 1    USE world;2    insert INTO city 3    VALUES 4        (DEFAULT,…

    is null

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. is null
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear is null;

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. is null
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear is null;


    The JOIN Clause

    1. The join Clause
    2. … more succinctly with an inner join clause using table aliases. Instead of…
    3. join country co
    4. … a SQL statement with an inner join clause using explicit syntax.
    5. …  FROM country 6        join city 5            ON city.CountryCode…
    6. The results of the join query would yield the same results as shown below whether…
    7. …  FROM city ci 5        join country co 6            ON ci.CountryCode…

    Joining More Than Two Tables

    1. How to join More than Two Tables
    2. join countrylanguage cl.
    3. …    FROM city ci6        join country co 7            ON ci.CountryCode…

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. The Outer join Clause
    2. … a SQL statement with an outer join clause.
    3. FROM country c LEFT join countrylanguage cl
    4. … cl.language3 FROM country c LEFT join countrylanguage cl4 ON c.code = cl.CountryCode5…

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. … List Price'FROM product p    join category c    ON p.category_id = c.category_idGROUP…
    2.      join category c

    Benefits of Using Views

    1. … country_nameFROM city ci    join country co    ON ci.CountryCode = co.Code;
    2.      join country co


    String Functions

    1. … bike;SELECT category_name,     left(category_name, 8) AS 'First 8 Characters', …
    2. left(‘Salmon’, 3)

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. … any string of characters to the left of the symbol

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. … any string of characters to the left of the symbol

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. FROM country c left JOIN countrylanguage cl
    2. … c.continent, cl.language3 FROM country c left JOIN countrylanguage cl4 ON…

    String Functions

    1. RIGHT, left
    2. left(string, num. characters)
    3. left(‘Salmon   ‘)
    4. SELECT LTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "left Trim",    RTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS…
    5. Table 7. RIGHT, left functions


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. like and REGEXP Operators
    2. like Symbol
    3. Table 2. like Keyword
    4. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name like ‘A%’

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. like and REGEXP Operators
    2. like Symbol
    3. Table 2. like Keyword
    4. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name like ‘A%’


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. limit 5;

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. … “AFG”5    ORDER BY name6    limit 3
    2. limit 5;

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. …  ORDER BY population 9    limit 5;

    logical operators

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. AND, OR, NOT logical operators
    2. Table 6. logical operators

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. AND, OR, NOT logical operators
    2. Table 6. logical operators


    String Functions

    1. TRIM, ltrim, RTRIM
    2. ltrim(string)
    3. SELECT ltrim('  Salmon  ') AS "Left Trim",    RTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "Right…


    Aggregate Functions

    1. min([DISTINCT] column_values)
    2. … AVG(list_price), SUM(list_price), min(list_price),     MAX(list_price),…

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. Eliminates duplicate rows

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. Eliminates duplicate rows

    Date Functions

    1. minutes, numeric (00..59)


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. … is that the column header is now population / SurfaceArea. However we can…

    Column Aliases

    1. … is that the column header is now population / SurfaceArea. However, we can…

    Date Functions

    1. now()
    2. SELECT now() AS 'now()',    DATE('2020-01-01') AS 'DATE(), date only', …
    3. now()


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. IS null
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS null;

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. IS null
    2. … IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS null;

    Aggregate Functions

    1. The average of the non-null columns in the expression
    2. The highest value of the non-null columns in the expression
    3. The total of the non-null columns in the expression
    4. The lowest value off the non-null columns in the expression
    5. The number of the non-null columns in the expression

    or not

    The JOIN Clause

    1. … results as shown below whether or not table names are completely written out…

    order by

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. … 'Barbados', 'Cuba', 'Bahamas')order by population ASC;
    2. order by name
    3. … 'caribbean'AND population > 100000order by population ASC;
    4. … DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryorder by continent;

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. … CountryCode = “AFG”5    order by name6    LIMIT 3
    2. order by name

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. … 'Barbados', 'Cuba', 'Bahamas')order by population ASC;

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. … 'caribbean'AND population > 100000order by population ASC;

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. … DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryorder by continent;

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. … cl4 ON c.code = cl.CountryCode5 order by cl.language ASC; 

    How to Code a UNION

    1. order by name;
    2. … WHERE continent = 'Oceania'8 order by name; 

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. order by category_name;
    2. … c.category_idGROUP BY category_nameorder by category_name;

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. … region = 'Caribbean') 8    order by population 9    LIMIT 5;

    outer join

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. The outer join Clause
    2. … snippet of a SQL statement with an outer join clause.


    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. LIKE and regexp Operators
    2. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name regexp 'g[o,u]';
    3. regexp Characters

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. LIKE and regexp Operators
    2. … world;SELECT nameFROM countryWHERE name regexp 'g[o,u]';
    3. regexp Characters


    String Functions

    1. right, LEFT
    2. right(string, num. characters)
    3. right(‘Salmon’, 3)
    4. right(‘  Salmon‘)
    5. …   RTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "right Trim",    TRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "Trim";
    6. Table 7. right, LEFT functions
    7. … AS 'First 8 Characters',    right(category_name, 8) AS 'Last 8 Characters'FROM…


    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. … category_name,     CONCAT('$', round(AVG(list_price),2)) AS 'Average List…
    2.      CONCAT('$', round(AVG(list_price),2)) AS 'Average List Price'

    Numeric Functions

    1. round
    2. Table 5. round function
    3. round(13.37, 1)
    4. … world;SELECT name, LifeExpectancy, round(LifeExpectancy) FROM world.country;
    5. round(number[, length])


    String Functions

    1. TRIM, LTRIM, rtrim
    2. …  Salmon  ') AS "Left Trim",    rtrim('  Salmon  ') AS "Right Trim", …
    3. rtrim(string)


    String Functions

    1. select UPPER('Salmon'),     LOWER('Salmon');
    2. USE world;select CONCAT(name, ', ', continent)FROM country;
    3. select FORMAT(list_price,2) FROM bike.product;
    4. select LOCATE('al','salmon',1),     LENGTH('salmon'),     SUBSTRING('salmon',3,999);
    5. select LTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "Left Trim",    RTRIM('  Salmon  ') AS "Right…
    6. USE bike;select category_name,     LEFT(category_name, 8) AS 'First 8 Characters', …

    Simple GROUP BY Query

    1. USE bike;select category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productGROUP BY category_id
    2. select category_id, AVG(list_price):

    Improving the GROUP BY Query

    1. USE bike;select category_name,     CONCAT('$', ROUND(AVG(list_price),2)) AS…
    2. select category_name,

    Using the HAVING Clause

    1. USE bike;select category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productGROUP BY category_idHAVING…

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. USE bike;select category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productWHERE model_year = 2016GROUP…

    COUNT(column_name) and COUNT(*)

    1. USE bike;select COUNT(phone), COUNT(*) FROM CUSTOMER

    Using the DISTINCT Statement

    1. ExampleUSE bike;select COUNT(list_price), COUNT(DISTINCT list_price) FROM product;

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. (select CountryCode FROM countrylanguage WHERE population = 0)
    2. … 0.00 3    WHERE Code IN 4    (select CountryCode FROM countrylanguage…

    Create a Duplicate Table From An Existing Table

    1. … from an Existing Table with a select Statement
    2. CREATE TABLE city_bak AS select * FROM city;
    3. …    CREATE TABLE city_bak AS select * FROM city;

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. (select code FROM country
    2. … city_bakWHERE CountryCode IN    (select code FROM country        WHERE…

    Benefits of Using Views

    1. … WORLD;CREATE VIEW city_country ASselect ci.name AS city_name, co.name AS country_nameFROM…
    2. select ci.name AS city_name, co.name AS country_name
    3. Results by selecting from the city_country view:

    Aggregate Functions

    1. USE bike;select AVG(list_price), SUM(list_price), MIN(list_price),     MAX(list_price),…

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. The Subquery in a select Statement
    2. 1    USE world;2    select name, population 3    FROM city 4    WHERE…
    3. select name, population
    4. (select code

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. The Five Clauses of the select statement
    2. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    3. select name, population / SurfaceArea     AS “People per square mile”FROM…
    4. select name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS NULL;
    5. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    6. USE world;select name, populationFROM countryWHERE population > 1000000;
    7. USE world;select name, populationFROM countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'AND population…
    8. USE world;select name, population / SurfaceAreaAS "People per square mile"FROM…
    9. USE world;select name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";
    10. select name
    11. select DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;
    12. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name LIKE ‘A%’

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. The Five Clauses of the select statement
    2. … Example:1    USE world;2    select name3    FROM city4    WHERE CountryCode…
    3. select name

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    2. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name LIKE ‘A%’

    Arithmetic Operators

    1. USE world;select name, population / SurfaceAreaAS "People per square mile"FROM…

    Column Aliases

    1. select name, population / SurfaceArea     AS “People per square mile”FROM…

    Comparison Operators

    1. USE world;select name, populationFROM countryWHERE population > 1000000;

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. USE world;select nameFROM countryWHERE name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba',…
    2. select name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE IndepYear IS NULL;
    3. USE world;select name, IndepYearFROM countryWHERE name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. USE world;select name, populationFROM countryWHERE region = 'caribbean'AND population…

    DISTINCT Clause

    1. select DISTINCT continent, nameFROM countryORDER BY continent;

    The JOIN Clause

    1. select ci.name AS “City Name”, co.name AS “Country Name”
    2. 1    USE world;2    select city.name AS "City Name", 3        country.name…
    3. … clause and referenced in the select and ON clause:
    4. 1    USE world;2    select ci.name AS "City Name", 3        co.name…

    Joining More Than Two Tables

    1. 1    USE world; 2    select ci.name AS "City Name",3        co.name…

    The OUTER JOIN Clause

    1. select c.name, c.continent, cl.language
    2. 1 USE world;2 select c.name, c.continent, cl.language3 FROM country c LEFT JOIN…

    How to Code a UNION

    1. select name, populationFROM countryWHERE continent = 'Oceania'
    2. select name, populationFROM cityWHERE CountryCode = 'AUS'
    3. 1 USE world;2 select name, population3 FROM city WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS'4 UNION5…

    Date Functions

    1. select NOW() AS 'NOW()',    DATE('2020-01-01') AS 'DATE(), date only',   CURRENT_DATE…
    2. select DATEDIFF('2018-01-01', '2019-01-01') AS 'Date Difference';
    3. USE world;select name, continent, DATE_FORMAT('2020-01-28', '%m/%d/%y')FROM country;
    4. USE bike;select order_date,    DATE_ADD(order_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS 'ORDER…

    Numeric Functions

    1. USE bike;select list_price, FLOOR(list_price), CEILING(list_price),    TRUNCATE(list_price,…
    2. USE world;select name, LifeExpectancy, ROUND(LifeExpectancy) FROM world.country;

    sql indexes

    SQL Indexes Explained

    1. sql indexes

    sql view

    SQL View Explained

    1. sql views

    sql views

    SQL View Explained

    1. sql views


    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. The subquery in an UPDATE statement

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. The subquery in a DELETE statement

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. The subquery in a SELECT Statement


    Aggregate Functions

    1. sum([DISTINCT] column_values)
    2. … bike;SELECT AVG(list_price), sum(list_price), MIN(list_price),     MAX(list_price),…


    String Functions

    1. trim, Ltrim, Rtrim
    2. trim(string)
    3. trim(‘   Salmon  ‘)
    4. Ltrim(string)
    5. Table 8. trim functions
    6. SELECT Ltrim('  Salmon  ') AS "Left trim",    Rtrim('  Salmon  ') AS…
    7. Rtrim(string)


    Numeric Functions

    1. FLOOR, CEILING, truncate
    2. truncate(7.9)
    3. … FLOOR(list_price), CEILING(list_price),    truncate(list_price, 0)FROM product;
    4. Table 6. FLOOR, CEILING, truncate functions
    5. truncate(NUMBER, length)


    How to Code a UNION

    1. How to Code a union
    2. union
    3. … city WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS'4 union5 SELECT name, population6 FROM country7…


    The UPDATE Clause With a Column List

    1. The update Clause
    2. update city
    3. 1    USE world; 2    update city 3    SET Population = 65000, district…

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. The Subquery in an update statement
    2. 1    update country 2    SET GNPOld = 0.00 3    WHERE Code IN 4    (SELECT…
    3. update country

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. … Before you can run a DELETE or update statement without a WHERE clause, you…

    Views That Allow UPDATE Statements

    1. … Views That Can Be Used With an update Statement


    Date Functions

    1. …  CURRENT_TIME AS 'CURRENT_TIME',   utc_date AS 'utc_date',   UTC_TIME AS…
    2. utc_date()
    3. utc_date


    Date Functions

    1. utc_time
    2. utc_time()
    3. …  UTC_DATE AS 'UTC_DATE',   utc_time AS 'utc_time'; 


    Benefits of Using Views

    1. Benefits of Using views
    2. USE WORLD;CREATE view city_country ASSELECT ci.name AS city_name, co.name AS…
    3. CREATE view city_country AS
    4. … selecting from the city_country view:

    Views That Allow UPDATE Statements

    1. Creating views That Can Be Used With an UPDATE Statement

    SQL View Explained

    1. SQL views


    Benefits of Using Views

    1. Benefits of Using views

    Views That Allow UPDATE Statements

    1. Creating views That Can Be Used With an UPDATE Statement

    SQL View Explained

    1. SQL views


    The DELETE Clause

    1. …  DELETE 3    FROM city 4    where name = 'san felipe' AND countrycode…
    2. where name = 'san felipe' AND countrycode = 'chl';

    Grouping Data

    1. Filtering With where And HAVING

    Using the HAVING and WHERE Clauses Together

    1. where model_year = 2016
    2. … category_id, AVG(list_price)FROM productwhere model_year = 2016GROUP BY category_idHAVING…
    3. … includes both the HAVING and where clause in the same SQL statement.

    The Subquery in an UPDATE statement

    1. … CountryCode FROM countrylanguage where population = 0)
    2. …    SET GNPOld = 0.00 3    where Code IN 4    (SELECT CountryCode FROM…
    3. where Code IN

    The Subquery In a Delete Statement

    1. USE world;DELETE FROM city_bakwhere CountryCode IN    (SELECT code FROM country …
    2.      where region = 'Central Africa');
    3. where CountryCode IN
    4. … or UPDATE statement without a where clause, you must uncheck “Safe Updates”…

    The Subquery In a SELECT Statement

    1. where CountryCode IN
    2. … population 3    FROM city 4    where CountryCode IN 5        (SELECT…
    3.  where region = 'Caribbean')

    How to Retrieve Data From a Single Table

    1. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba', 'Bahamas')ORDER…
    2. SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countrywhere IndepYear IS NULL;
    3. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    4. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countrywhere population > 1000000;
    5. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countrywhere region = 'caribbean'AND population…
    6. … world;SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countrywhere name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";
    7. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name LIKE ‘A%’

    The Five Clauses of the SELECT Statement

    1. …  SELECT name3    FROM city4    where CountryCode = “AFG”5    ORDER…

    LIKE and REGEXP Operators

    1. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name REGEXP 'g[o,u]';
    2. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name LIKE ‘A%’

    Comparison Operators

    1. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countrywhere population > 1000000;

    IS NULL, BETWEEN, IN Operators

    1. … world;SELECT nameFROM countrywhere name IN ('Aruba', 'Barbados', 'Cuba', 'Bahamas')ORDER…
    2. SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countrywhere IndepYear IS NULL;
    3. … world;SELECT name, IndepYearFROM countrywhere name BETWEEN "Aruba" and "Bahamas";

    AND, OR, NOT Logical Operators

    1. … world;SELECT name, populationFROM countrywhere region = 'caribbean'AND population…

    How to Code a UNION

    1. SELECT name, populationFROM countrywhere continent = 'Oceania'
    2. SELECT name, populationFROM citywhere CountryCode = 'AUS'
    3. … SELECT name, population3 FROM city where CountryCode = 'AUS'4 UNION5 SELECT…

    Date Functions

    1. Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week, numeric, four digits;…
    2. Week (01..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 2; used…
    3. Week (00..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 0
    4. Week (00..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 1
    5. Week (01..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 3; used…
    6. Year for the week, where Monday is the first day of the week, numeric, four…

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