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  • BYU Instructional Psychology and Technology Department

    Instructional Psychology and Technology is a branch of study concerned with understanding the ideas, principles, and theories related to improving instruction. Instructional Psychology and Technology deals with identifying and implementing improvements in instruction and understanding the principles that influence these improvements. IP&T applies these principles to solve instructional problems, which occur in educational settings, including public schools and universities, government, church, military, business, and industry. These books were all written or edited by faculty in BYU's IP&T Department.
    50 Years of Education Research Trends: A Synthetic History from 1970 to 2020An Introduction to Open EducationDesign for Learning: Principles, Processes, and PraxisDesigning Surveys for Evaluations and ResearchEdTech in the Wild: critical blog postsEducation Research: Across Multiple ParadigmsEvaluation and DesignFoundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: Historical Roots and Current TrendsK-12 Blended Teaching: A Guide to Practice Within the Disciplines, 2K-12 Blended Teaching: A Guide to Personalized Learning and Online Integration, 1Light + Learning: Open Scholarship on Learning, Design, and Technology, 2022Qualitative Inquiry in Daily LifeRapid Academic WritingTeaching With Asynchronous Video: Strategies for Online PractitionersThe K-12 Educational Technology HandbookThe Students' Guide to Learning Design and ResearchVisuals in Learning Design: An Introductory Guidebook with Learning Activities