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  • The Journal of Applied Instructional Design

    The purpose of this journal is to bridge the gap between theory and practice by providing reflective practitioners a means for publishing articles related to the field. The proposed journal will establish and maintain a scholarly standard with the appropriate rigor for articles based on design and development projects. Articles might include evaluation reports (summative and formative), lessons learned, design and development approaches, as well as applied research. The articles will be based on design and development projects as opposed to pure research projects and focus on lessons learned and how to improve the instructional design process. Rigor will be established through articles grounded in research and theory.

    A secondary goal of this journal is to encourage and nurture the development of the reflective practitioner in the field of instructional design. This journal will encourage the practitioner as well as collaborations between academics and practitioners as a means of disseminating and developing new ideas in instructional design. The resulting articles should inform both the study and practice of instructional design.

    This journal provides a refereed-reviewed format for the publication of scholarly articles in the field of applied instructional design. The journal recognizes the role of the practitioner in the work environment and realizes that outside constraints may limit the data collection and analysis process in applied settings. The limitations of real-world instructional design of the practitioner can still provide valuable knowledge for the field.

    Submission Guidelines

    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: February 2023, 12(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: December 2022, 11(4)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: December 2022, 11(3)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: June 2022, 11(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: February 2022, 11(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: December 2021, 10(4)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: September 2021, 10(3)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: July 2021, 10(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: January 2021, 10(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: October 2020, 9(3)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design: July 2020, 9(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 9(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 7(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 7(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 6(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 5(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 4(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 3(3)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 3(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 3(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 2(1)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 1(2)The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 1(1)