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  • K-12 Teaching Collection

    These free books were specifically designed with K-12 teachers in mind.

    They address a variety of topics and may be useful in many settings, including teacher education, licensure, and professional development.

    Assessing Wellbeing in Schools: An Educator's Practical Guide to Measuring WellbeingAssessment for Linguistically Diverse StudentsDeveloping Second Language LiteracyFamily, School, and Community PartnershipsFoundations of Education for Emergent BilingualsK-12 Blended Teaching: A Guide to Practice Within the Disciplines, 2K-12 Blended Teaching: A Guide to Personalized Learning and Online Integration, 1Making Meaning in My Classroom: Fostering Equitable Learning for All in My Elementary ClassroomOnline Tools for Teaching and LearningPrinciples of Language AcquisitionThe K-12 Educational Technology HandbookUnderstanding Language Acquisition Web Design Basics for Educators