Learning Outcome |
Pedagogical Intent |
Student Position |
Demonstrate ability to plan standards-based ESL and content instruction.
Demonstrate ability to manage and implement standards-based ESL and content instruction
Assessment: 25pts.
TA: 55 Minutes
Teachers can establish classrooms that encorporate literacy-rich pactices and utilize the Standards for Effective Pedagogy in order to construct more literacy-focused learning environments that better meet the needs of English language learners making it possible for them to learn and achieve.
Students have learned about literacy-rich classrooms and the Standards for Effective Pedagogy. They will consider how to implement literacy-richness and the Standards for Evvective Pedagogy in their classroom settings.
Part A: 20 minutes
1. The teachers will use the form they filled in from HW 2.2 and review their understanding of what is required in their classroom or content areas to create a literacy-rich and literacy-focused classroom. Together they will discuss their learning and thinking and consider the challenges at their grade level or in their content area for creating a literacy-rich environment.
2. Next working together, create a list of practices that should be evident in a classroom at your grade level or within your content area if your classroom is literacy-focused. Use the categories of Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Classroom Organization/Structure [for those who teach a specific content think about what counts as literacy in your content area and what kinds of literate practices and skils your classrooms to develop].
3. Continuing with the same partner, discuss the Standards for Effective Pedagogy (SPCT Document) . Consider each standard and the enacting descriptors of it and reflect on how each standard will support the literacy and language development of students.
4. Return to the list you just made and with your partner, create a list of how using the Standards for Effective Pedagogy could help you increase the literacy-focus of your classroom and support the content learning and language and literacy develpment of your students.
Part B: 10 minutes
1. Working on your own, use the Evaluation of My Enacting SEP chart to consider how you use each standard of SEP in your classroom. After filling out column 1, discuss with others in your group some goals you can set to increase your usage of these standards regularly in your work with English learners particularly in relation to the unit you are planning.
Part C: 15 minutes
1. In your group, answer the following questions on paper to turn to post for a gallery walk: (be sure everyone gets a chance to speak and one person will take notes on the paper to post.
a. How can I increase the literacy richness of my classroom by attending to the literacy and language development of my students?
b. How can embracing the Standards for Effective Pedagogy in my classroom create an environment where English learners can thrive?
c. How can combining what I have learned about literacy-rich environments and the Standards for Effective Pedagory create a classroom that is more literacy-focused (How do they work together to create a learning environment that will support the content learning and the langauge and ltieracy development of students in my content area or grade level teaching?)
Part D: 10 minutes Post your group's poster with those from other groups and move from chart to take notes on ideas you may want to try (Add these ideas to your Evaluation of My Enacting SEP chart under goals).