Mathematical equations may be created using LaTeX notation.
While editing a chapter, select Insert > LaTeX Equation (Block) . In the resulting box, type your equation between the double-dollar signs.
You can continue to edit the formula in the editor (provided that you do not remove the double-$ symbols). When saved, the example equation will render like this:
Here is a more sophisticated example:
Which will render like this:
$$S (\omega)=1.466\, H_s^2 \, \frac{\omega_0^5}{\omega^6 } \, e^[-3^ { \omega/(\omega_0 )]^2}$$
Inline Equations
Equations may be typed directly into text, such as \(E=mc^2\), by placing them within slash parentheses. You can also insert an inline equation by right-clicking and choosing Insert > LaTeX Equation (Inline).
Multi-Line Equations
For multi-line equations, you must encapsulate your equation in a \displaylines{} function and separate each line with a double-slash:
$$ \displaylines{f(x) = x^2 \\ g(x) = \frac{1}{x} \\ F(x) = \int^a_b \frac{1}{3}x^3}$$
If you need assistance writing LaTeX equations, there are many online tools that can help you do this such as the Online LaTeX Equation Editor.
All rendering is performed courtesy of MathJax and CodeDogs.