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  • Lino


    Lino is a web-based “sticky note” service that offers bulletin boards, called “canvases,” on which people can post stickies. You can customize your canvas, choosing colors and backgrounds; pick and choose your sticky notes colors; even upload files and pictures on your canvas. You can create as many canvases as you want, and have your students interact within the canvases, even start discussions using the stickies.

    Watch on YouTube

    Tool Snapshot

    Price Free (basic); Premium $29.99/year
    Learning Connectivism
    Ease of Use ★★★★★
    Privacy ★★★☆☆
    Accessibility ★★★☆☆
    Class Size Unlimited
    ISTE*S Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, Knowledge Constructor, Creative Communicator, Global Collaborator
    No COPPA/FERPA policy found. Check with your school IT administrator.

    Lino Overview

    One can either be a registered user or a guest (i.e., a non-registered user). Both kinds of users can post comments on the canvas. Canvases have three levels of privacy: “Public” (publicly accessible), “Friends” (limitedly accessible), and “Private” (non-accessible except by its creator). You can use Lino on your computer and on your Android and iOS devices as well. You create your account using an OpenID, from either your Yahoo, Facebook or Twitter credentials for instance.

    Screenshot of Lino

    Lino is great for displaying and constructing knowledge, brainstorming and mind mapping activities. Students can submit comments and respond to each other. For instance, the teacher posts the following question on the canvas:  “What classroom rules do we need to create a positive classroom atmosphere?” Students can have a sticky each and respond on each other’s canvases. You could have study guide questions or create vocabulary, math, flashcards.

    Lino Overview Video

    Watch on YouTube

    ***Lino Review Video Transcript***

    Lino & the SAMR Model

    Learning Activities

    Lino is a great tool for interactive brainstorming activities and for backchanneling for any subject. Here are a few examples:





    How to Use Lino

    1. Go to http://en.linoit.com.
    2. Either Click “Sign Up” for free, or use your Facebook, Twitter or Facebook credentials.
    3. You will be given a new canvas.
    4. Add stickies by clicking on the right corner frame.
    5. Add pictures if needed
    6. You can upload files only if you are a registered user!
    7. Make sure to tick the “privacy box” under each sticky.


    Tsumura, H., & De Gagne, J. C. (2022). The Virtual Bulletin Board: A Strategy for Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(4), 155-156.

    This content is provided to you freely by EdTech Books.

    Access it online or download it at https://edtechbooks.org/onlinetools/lino.