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  • Loom

    ConstructionismSocial LearningScreen Recording

    Loom is a free screencasting tool that allows users to capture their computer's screen and record themselves with their camera. Loom can be used on both Mac and Windows computers. Once you are finished creating your screen recording video, you can edit it and share it on Twitter, Facebook, and Gmail, as a URL, or embed it on a website.

    Screenshot of Loom where users videos will appear.
    Loom user interface

    Tool Snapshot

    PriceBasic: Free; Business: $8/month
    LearningSocial Learning & Constructionism 
    Ease of Use★★★★★
    Class SizeUnlimited
    ISTE*SEmpowered Learner, Creative Communicator, Global Collaborator 
    COPPA: No (According to the Privacy Policy, Loom should not be used by children under 13). FERPA: No FERPA policy found. Check with your school IT administrator.


    The basic plan is free, but there are business and enterprise options for upgraded features.

    Type of Learning

    Ease of Use

    Loom is user-friendly and intuitive and features a video series showing how to use the tool. There’s also a page showcasing possible uses for the tool. 

    Screenshot of the Loom Help Center that outlines videos and articles for how to use the tool.
    Screenshot of the Loom Help Center that outlines videos and articles for how to use the tool.


    There is no accessibility statement released by Loom. Loom cannot be used without a mouse. It also cannot be used with voice control. However, creating videos that showcase visuals with added narration might make learning more accessible than traditional lectures (which can’t be paused or replayed) and text-heavy materials. 

    Privacy Policy

    The Loom privacy policy outlines exactly what data is collected, how and why the data is used, and who has access to the data. Students under 13 years old are not able to use this tool due to COPPA. The policy also outlines GDPR compliance and the Chrome Extension Agreement

    ISTE Standards

    Loom Overview Tutorial  

    Watch on YouTube


    Loom & the SAMR Model

    Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model offers a lens for examining how technology is adopted in a classroom. As you strive to incorporate online tools into your classroom, we encourage you to use this model as an analytic tool.  Here is an example of how Loom might fit within the SAMR model: 

    Far too often, technology is used as a direct substitute for other low-tech tools (e.g., pencil and paper). While substitution has some benefits (e.g., students develop their technical skills and knowledge), we encourage you to think about how you might use Loom to modify or redefine learning.

    Learning Activities


    Teachers can create a screen recording to walk students through certain steps needed to take in order to solve a problem. Students can access this video outside of class to assist with their homework.

    From a student perspective, students can record their problem-solving process to share with peers and teachers for feedback. Students can also record brief videos to teach their peers how to solve specific math problems.


    Students can record a video of an experiment with their phone or tablet, put the video on their computer, and then do their own narration over the video to explain the science behind what is happening. 

    English/Language Arts

    Students can choose a scene from a book and recreate it with a modern twist by reenacting a scene to record via their camera (not their screen) or screen recording narration for a digital comic. 

    Social Studies

    Students can record their screens as they showcase and discuss an interactive timeline, map, or virtual tour.


    Students who are English Language Learners can use Loom to capture live virtual presentations done in English and then watch, re-watch, pause, or slow down the video to aid their understanding of the material. For example, they could pause the video to look up the words that they don’t know.  


    How to Use Loom

    1. Go to: https://www.loom.com
    2. Click on “Get Loom for Free.”
    3. You will need to download the desktop app or the Google Chrome extension for your web browser.
    4. When starting a recording, you will need to choose what to record: screen and camera, the screen only, or camera only. 
    5. Choose the source of the microphone and the camera.
    6. When you are done setting up the screen capture recording features, select “start recording.”
      Screenshot of Loom showing how to select camera, and audio before pressing "Start Recording" to begin screenrecording.
    7. The screen recording will count down from 3 before it begins to record. 
    8. There will be a stop button that appears on the left side of the screen to stop the screen recording.
    9. Once you stop the recording, it will be saved. 
      • You have the option to invite people to see your video or add a password for the video. You will also be given a link that you can copy and share with others. 
      • There is also the option to edit your video.
    10. There are many different editing tools/effects you can use to modify your video. For example, you can cut out certain parts of the recording or add emojis for emphasis.
    11. Once you are done editing your video, you can download, duplicate, delete, or share the video. 
    12. The video will appear in your Loom account and you can go back to the video anytime you want to view, edit, or share it. 


    Snyder, C., Paska, L. M., & Besozzi, D. (2014). Cast from the past: Using screencasting in the social studies classroom. The Social Studies, 105(6), 310-314.

    Waltemeyer, S. & Cranmore, J. (2018). Screencasting technology to increase engagement in online higher education courses. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from https://elearnmag.acm.org/archive.cfm?aid=3236693


    This page was created by Elisabeth Ng, Isabelle Wang, and Tyler Volpe-Knock.

    This content is provided to you freely by EdTech Books.

    Access it online or download it at https://edtechbooks.org/onlinetools/loom.