Maloy, R. W. & Trust, T. (2020). Building Democracy for All. EdTech Books.
Building Democracy For All is designed so that teachers and students can follow different learning pathways as they explore the material in the book. Rather than proceeding sequentially through the standards, the learning pathways invite a thematic approach. Other learning pathways include: Black Lives Matter, Student Rights, Election 2020, Media Literacy, and Current Events.
(click here to make your own copy of the choice board to remix/use)
(click here to make your own copy of the choice board)
Topic 1: The Philosophical Foundations of the United States Political System
Topic 2: The Development of United States Government
Topic 3: Institutions of United States Government
Topic 4: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens
Topic 5: The Constitution, Amendments, and Supreme Court Decisions
Topic 6: The Structure of Massachusetts State and Local Government
Topic 7: Freedom of the Press and News/Media Literacy
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