Social Media
What is social media? Social media is the new form to communicate with others in this new era. Many people use social media, but do not know about its bad effects.
The principal negative effect of social media is fake reality and many problems with self-esteem. Many young people do many crazy things only to get a like on their post. Young people and older people post on social media many different social posts only to receive attention.
Now relationships have many troubles with spending time together, and many relationships are in trouble when they are together. People do not know how to make real relationships and this is a real problem. They make new gadgets to make life easier, but we are in this world to experiment, to explore, and to make mistakes. This is the real purpose of having technology: to make progress. We need to use technology to advance and use social media to connect with those around us. We need to use social media to help others, not to watch videos and see entertaining things. We can use social media to help others if we make tutorials and teach our skills to other people, and everybody has the opportunity to contribute knowledge. Another factor to be affected is marriages. Many couples spend a lot of time on social media and they only chat for a short time. This makes a new problem and this spreads these couples apart and sometimes gives other people the opportunity to enter into this relationship. This division causes many problems in their relationship. Infidelity is more common today because social media posts news articles talking about how infidelity is normal.
People have a huge problem with social media addictions, but we can help people with this issue. If we are good friends and motivate people who are addicted to social media to explore the real world, they don't need to use the social media to be happy. Maybe they can use their phones only for the camera to save a good memory. It is time to use social media to get started to connect countries and end discrimination. It is time to use social media to bring happiness to poor people. Technology and social media make up our era. We must be the users and not the slaves of our devices.
Take time to count how much time you are spending with your family and evaluate how much time you spend on social media.
Exercise 1: Give feedback
Read the essay. Pretend you are the teacher. What would you tell the author? What did the author do well? What can they improve on?