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  • Session 1: Positioning Myself to Integrate Content and Promote Academic Language

    LA 1: (10 min) Sharing My Learning and Professional Development This is a ‘shower of ideas’ activity which is explained in the activity itself. For every session, the same activity occurs but about different topics. The topic for this week is learning over the previous courses you have taken in the TELL Endorsement. You need to write the things students call out about their learning and have a brief discussion about it at the end. It is 10 minutes long. 

    LA 1.2: (40 min) Negotiating Understanding of Inclusive Pedagogy This activity is an opportunity for students to become more familiar with the Standards of Inclusive Pedagogy, a main TELL Tool in the endorsement program. It comes with a link to a note-taking sheet for them to write to remember important parts of the tool. This is done individually as a way to show each person’s understanding of the points involved in this tool. It would be helpful for you to roam the room to assist and answer questions. They have 40 minutes to complete it.   

    LA 1.3: (65 min) Integrating the Conceptual Tools for Teaching Els You will divide the class into groups of 3 or 4. Each group takes the tool you assign them: CPV—Communication, Pattern, Variability (L2 Acquisition); UME—Useful, Meaningful, Equitable (Assessment); SEP—Standards for Effective Pedagogy (SEP); ESL Guidelines  (Literacy); PTA Standards. These have been introduced along the way through the courses. Each group identifies links from the tool they are examining and the Inclusive Pedagogy Framework they used in the first activity (IP). They discuss how their tool relates to IP and prepare to explain the connections they identified between this tool and Inclusive Pedagogy. They also need to explain how being aware of the connections sharpens and strengthens their teaching. They have 60 minutes to complete this activity. 

    LA 1.4: (25 min)  Reviewing the Major Course Assignments This is the opportunity to review the major assignments for this course: Teaching a Standard for Effective Pedagogy, and Developing an MSDLA. Review these with the teachers and let them ask questions. Be sure they understand what is required. 

    LA 1.X: Consulting with the Facilitator on Presentation Contextualization (CTX) At the end of class, you meet with the first team that is presenting the Contextualization part of the Standards for Effective Pedagogy. Just take a few minutes to be sure they understand that they have 40 minutes to teach the topic as well as to provide an activity or two to get the point of this standard across. Offer them ideas, and remind them that everyone read the information they have, so to make it interesting for their classmates. They will probably need to work together sometime during the week, or they may want to divide up parts among each other so it comes together for their instruction. They also should include some sort of assessment after the presentation. All others are dismissed before this meeting. 

     Review Homework: Directions and Requirements (15 min). We have allowed your 15 minutes to explain homework because you will need to demonstrate the VideoEthnography--access and assignment and then review homework. There is usually a five minute allotment for presenting homework.

    There is a pattern to the homework and sessions in this course.

    1. Each session from 2 to 6 begins with a group of teachers teaching about one of the Standards for Effective Pedagogy. HW X.2 in each session tells which lesson they will teach. Therefore, you need to show them how to access the cases and review the format of the case. The links in the description of HW 1.2 can help you do that. The link is here https://equitypress.org/-BHJc
    2. Each session begins with HW X.1 which is the reflection assignment where they report on a way in which they have adjusted, altered, advocated for, or tried out something in their practice and then using the reflection model . (This link will take you to an explanation of it). 
    3. In each of the sessions 1 to 5, HW X.3 has them read chapters from SIOP and respond to questions. Teachers will work in groups to prepare a short activity center to teach the chapter you assign them. 
    4. This pattern of homework means that you begin each session starting with 2 to have them confer with their colleagues and report on their learning with each other and then share an idea with the whole group. 

    HW 1.1 Reflection on My Learning in Developing ELs Content and Language Proficiency While teachers can choose to focus on any adjustment they decide to make or action they decide to take to teach ELs, for this session the directions suggest they choose something from SIOP but they do not need to do that. 

    HW 1.2 Learning Teaching through Multi-media Cases and Expert Perspectives In each of session 2 through 6 teachers working in groups will present one fo the Standards for Effective Pedagogy. To support their teaching, 


    HW 1.3 Gaining an Understanding of Making Content Comprehensible They read the assigned chapters in Making Content Comprehensible and answer questions--make sure you give them the books. 

    HW 1.4 Reviewing Major Course Assignments. The teachers are asked to carefully read the major assignments for the course and come with questions. This is the link to the homework links in the textbook. https://equitypress.org/-VstF

    You will need to review the major assignments and be prepared to answer questions. This may require that you review the Designing Activity Centers book as well. Here is the link to that book.https://byu.box.com/s/i4l0ci8cul5rkkqtmx1urq1gthp01pl0

    HW 1.5: Learning About Designing and Implementing Activity CentersStudents click the link to the explanation about activity centers and also on the link for the note sheet. As they read the booklet, they should take notes on what they understand about how to set up MSDLAs, including how to prepare students for participating in them. 

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