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  • Session 2: Who are Our ELLs? Defining Needs and Strengths

    Session 2: 


    LA 2.1 (25 min) Cummins Review—This LA asks them to return to the reading they did in HW 1.3, Cummins, etc. Put teachers in groups of 4.  Have them follow the directions on the learning activity page. You will need to supply markers and chart paper or colored copy paper for them to use as they go through the directions. After their charts are completed and posted, have them visit each others’ lists to get ideas for improving classroom climate so it’s safe and students can succeed. 


    LA 2.2 (40 min) Who Are Our ELLs First you will play this Kahoots type game, so you’ll need to get it set up in advance.  The instructions for setting it up are found below. When the game ends, lead a class discussion around items a through g.  

    These are the questions for the game in LA 2.2.  It also has links to the sources of the data.  This is to be a Kahoots type game which you will need to set up through Kahoots.  Set the questions up one shows at a time, and then teachers will learn if they were correct or not.  Then you will move on to the rest of the activity.  

    Game Questions: 

    HW 2.5 go to the link.  The id is tellcases and password is video.  Tell them not to share that.   

    LA 2.3 (30 min) Getting To Know a Second Language Learner—This learning mirrors some of the work teachers will do on the major project for the course, the Display of Development, with their own student (Individual Language Development Plan).  Watch study 1 on Makoto—directions to getting there are on the learning activity. Numbers 4, 5, and 6 on the learning activity should be completed in their groups, after a short class discussion about the video.  Teachers need worksheets A and B and Makoto’s critical incident. Lead a short discussion about Makoto and groups will turn the 2 worksheets in for credit as a group product. 


    LA 2.4 (45 min) Providing Evidence/ Collective ExpertiseTeachers need the 2 pieces that accompany this activity.  One is a Critical Learning Domains Review Sheet.  The second is a place for each group to record their thinking before going to the wall chart. Divide the class into three groups, one will focus on Cognitive/Academic; the second on Social/Affective; and the third on Linguistic. Remind teachers what each domain entails.  Prior to class, post 3 chart papers around the room entitled with the categories above.  Be sure you have markers for the groups to use to complete their chart.  You will also need sticky notes in case a group wants to add something to the other 2 charts. After the gallery walk, lead a discussion on the importance of these 3 domains. 


    LA 2.5 (20 min) Makoto's Writing Analysis—Put teachers back into their groups of 4. Teachers need the general analysis form and Makoto’s writing. Teachers can just follow the directions as they are written in the learning activity. After each group has filled in the analysis form about Makoto, including observations they have about her writing piece, start the discussion about numbers 4 and 5. 


    HW 2.1—Remind teachers that they are to work on something new to add to their practice each week and report on it in the first homework for each session.  Keeping an online journal is a good way, and they will have a lot of points possible (800) for the finished product…if they don’t do it, it could lead to lower grades.  At the beginning of session 3, allow a brief time for teachers to share some of their work in adding new strategies and practices to increase learning for ELLs. 


    HW 2.2—In the reading from Wright ch. 5, teachers will learn about the varieties of models and programs serving English language learners.  They need to create the assignment to bring back to class next week.  


    HW 2.3—Remind teachers how to gain access to the CD-Rom student they are studying.  They are to watch studies 3 and 4, being sure to also read the perspectives at the top. Teachers need to use the Supports and Constraints sheet and the Program Models sheet to work with. They are to bring these for next session.  


    HW 2.4—They will use the same Program Models sheet that was in HW 2.3.  They also need the note-taking sheet that is found in the HW 2.4 folder. Remind them to answer the question #4 on that page and bring it next session to turn in. 


    HW 2.5Teachers need the note sheet found in the folder with this activity. Go over the directions so they know for sure how to get to the video they will watch.  Tell them to follow the directions and they need to bring their response for session 3. Go to the link.  The id is tellcases and password is video.  Tell them not to share that.  They need that ID to get access for free. They need to fill out the note sheet included in the folder. 

    HW 2.6—Teachers need to find an adult who was an ESL learner to interview.  Note that this assignment isn’t due until session 7.  This gives them a chance to find a person and then to complete the interview. In session 7, they will be put in groups of 4 or 5 so they can share their learning from this interview.  Note that there are suggested questions that can be used and they also can feel comfortable to ask questions they would like to understand better. 

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