During this session 90 minutes will be committed to work on their MSDLA in groups as you provide feedback for each MSDLA. Remember that the teachers are working individulally and so you will need to confer with every member of the class. They may work with one or two others if they all teach the same grade level and can agree on the same standard. So encourage teachers in groups to critique each others' MSDLAs while they wait for you. This is why we have given them 90 minutes to LA 5.4 so hopefully you will have time to review and provide feedback to each MSDLA. We have linked at LA 5.4 the form they use to record their ideas about their work and the rubric checklist for the project. You will probably want to print these forms out to guide your interactions with them. You could print a rubric document for each MSDLA and fill it out as you review the project and they can take that with them. They will also have 55 minutes in Session 6 to work together to finish up their MSDLA. Session 7 is mostly taken up with them enacting the SIOP MSDLAs they design in Session 6. This time in Session 5 (90 min) and in Session 6 (55 min) is all the time they have in class to work in class on their MSDLA--just remind them of that.
LA 5.1 (10 min): Sharing My Learning and Professional Development This is the shower of ideas about Joint Productive Activity. They need to offer insights from their teacher practice and learning. Post the ideas as they share then.
LA 5.2 (40 min): Presentation on SEP—Joint Productive Activity The group you met with last week presents joint productivity to the class. Students need to be able to answer this question: How can I create and add joint productive activities in my MSDLAs so all learners have access?
LA 5.3 (15min): Reviewing Practice, Application and Lesson Delivery Students have read ch. 7 and 8 in homework. These chapters are Practice and Application and Lesson Delivery. They talk in their group about how they attend to the issues concerning practice and application and lesson delivery in their own practice.
LA 5.4 (90 min): Receiving Feedback on MSDLA Components and Documentation This is a work session of 90 minutes for them to work on their MSDLAs (The checklist is linked here and the assignment rubrics and descriptions for the final project are linked here). You should visit one group at a time to answer questions and help them to see how to move forward in the work. You may want to print out the rubric (one for each group) and insert notes or have them do it as you review their work with them. Use the Documentation of their Knowledge form they have been filling in (which is linked here) to remind them of where they need to go next and what not to forget. As you work with each person, the others should be working on their MSDLA. You can also have them confer with each other and get feedback if they want.
LA 5.X: Consulting with the Facilitator on Presenting—Instructional Conversation (IC) Work with them to be sure they will be ready to teach about instructional conversations. Remind them that their time is 40 minutes and students should be able to answer this question: How can I attend to instructional conversation so all learners have access?
Homework Review (5 min)
HW 5.1: Reflection on My Practice in Developing ELs Content and Language Proficiency This is the regular reflection and they need to try out a JPA and then reflect upon it.
HW 5.2: Learning Teaching through Multi-media Cases and Expert Perspectives Students use the instructional conversation worksheet as they watch the VideoEthnography of the teacher they have chosen to study. They need to do the worksheet and respond to the perspectives and also list three ahas regarding their own practice. They will share their thinking in the shower of ideas for session 6.
HW 5.3: Gaining an Understanding of Making Content Comprehensible Students read ch. 9 in the SIOP book, the last chapter. They need to fill in the answers on the worksheet they get when they click on the link Chapter 9. They turn in the worksheet in session 6 and be ready to participate in a discussion about it. This is the last chapter.
HW 5.4: Deepening Learning by Attending to Discipline and ESL Standards They review the curriculum standards for their discipline—they should choose the discipline their MSDLAs are built on. The links take them to the national standards they should use. Then they go to the other link which takes them to the USBE standards for grade levels and content areas. After they review the standards, they make adjustments to modify their centers if they notice changes in the required curriculum they are working on.
HW 5.5: Thinking of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Relationship to My Teaching Practice They watch three videos about the topic. The first defines what culturally responsive pedagogy is; the second is a professor (Billings) who defines it as teaching with academic achievement, cultural competence, and critical consciousness in mind; and the third is teachers talking about doing it. These are a total of 15 minutes. They need to jot notes as they watch for ideas that resonate, what they could do differently, and ideas for their school to change to being more culturally relevant for diverse students.