LA 6. (20 min.) Sharing Thinking about Program Models. This revisits HW 5.3. Form triads to discuss their learning about programs and practices. Then need to review their notes on the programs and practices. There is a link to a guide for them to use as they discuss. They need to answer the questions, paying attention to question #3 that is bolded in the directions. Allow 5 minutes for groups to share their responses to What is most important in making decisions about a Program Model for my school?
LA 6.2 (65 min). Critical Learning DomainsTeachers learn about the critical learning domains—Cognitive, Linguistic, and Social/Affective. Divide the class into 3 groups, one for each domain. Then have each group divide into triads, so they can study in the small group and bring more ideas to determine the most important points to share with the class. The first part should take 15 minutes. Then they will come back together as a complete domain group to create a chart which you have previously posted for each domain. Put 3 columns on each of the charts so that when they are ready to post their most important points, they know where to put them. Label the columns: A—basic definition of the domain; B—Background Knowledge about the domain; C—Ideas for implementing the domain in daily teacher practice. Circulate to assist and ask/answer questions. Then have groups fill in the charts previously posted. Now all will visit the posters, beginning with the two they didn’t study themselves and they need to take notes on these two other domains. Finish with a whole class discussion, including answering questions. Meeting as a whole domain group should take 15 minutes. Creating their charts should take another 10 minutes. The gallery walk should take 20 minutes and the class discussion will take 10 minutes.
LA 6.3 (45 mins.) Standards for Effective Pedagogy. This activity asks teachers to discover how each of the Five Standards for Effective Pedagogy can be leveraged to support development of ELs in each of the three Critical Learning Domains they studied in LA 6.2. They will use information from the TELL Tools book to explore each of the Standards.
Divide the class into 5 equal-sized groups and assign each group one of the 5 Standards for Effective Pedagogy. In the small group, they will get further information about the Five standards in the TELL Tools book (there is a link for teachers in the directions.) Each group considers their assigned standard, finding ways that it supports students in developing each area of the Critical Learning Domains. In the linked article, they read about the standard and review the indicators. Then each group creates a 5-minute presentation to teach the class about their standard and its relationship to the three Critical Learning Domains. Allow them 20 minutes to read and create their presentation. The remaining 25 minutes gives them time to present to each other. Be sure you watch the time so they don’t go too long.
LA 6.4 (20 mins.) Connecting to the School Game. As a class, read the 2 quotations at the beginning of the instructions together and briefly discuss what they mean to teachers. They are invited to connect what they have learned in this session in relationship to supporting ELs in learning the school game. In partners, discuss answers for the questions in direction #7, especially as they apply to ELs in your classrooms. Use whatever time is left to discuss the ‘school game’ and how it applies to English learners.
We have allowed 5 minutes for the facilitator to discuss homework. Ask the teachers to return their copy of the Myths and Realities Book. You will want to return it to the district so it can be used the next time the course is taught. You might want to make a list of who returns the book.
HW 6.1 Teacher Reflection. Remind teachers that their Portfolio which includes one AHA for each characteristic of Inclusive Pedagogy with an explanation. Thus, they might also think about their learning and what they might include.
HW 6.2 Reconsidering Beliefs and Practices. Teachers will re-take the survey that they took in HW 1.4. We ask them to bring a hard copy of this version of the survey and we ask you to print out the copy you gathered through e-mail from HW 1.4. They are bringing a hard copy to class,w but you need to ask them to e-mail you a copy of this final survey so that you can e-mail both to the person teaching Family to compare with when they take the survey at the end of that course.
HW 6.3 Learning a New Language.Teachers will watch a TED talk and complete the assignments listed.
***It would be a good idea to remind Teachers to bring materials they have been collecting over the course to add to their Display of Development. They will have an hour next session to work on them and share them in triads for suggestions and feedback.