This toolkit serves as a high-level guide and offers a starting point for partners currently planning to pilot digital navigator services across the country. Our implementation is being informed by guidance from the Digital US members and our partners in the adult education and workforce development field. The project leadership continues to contribute to and learn from the Digital Navigator working group, coordinated by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, and partially underwritten by Digital US. Members of the group can be found here. Highlighted in this document are contributions made by participants of the group.
This tool kit covers five important elements in program planning and design8:
- Program Goal - What is this program interested in accomplishing? What problem is it intended to address? Who is the target population?
- Program Description - What activities will you be doing to achieve the desired program outcomes? What service(s) will you offer?
- Measurement and Evaluation - What does success look like, and how can we measure it? What metrics will your agency use to track results?
- Implementation Plan - Are there training and startup requirements? What current resources can you leverage and or will you need additional resources?
- Building a digital equity ecosystem - Do you know potential partners offering complementary, wrap-around, or supportive services? What strategic alliances with businesses, governments, and other organizations or institutions, can be made to ensure digital inclusion?
8 Adapted from NCSL Standing Committee on Health & Human Services “Evidence-Based Policymaking: Achieving Efficient & Effective Programs”