• TELL Practicum Guidelines
  • Welcome to the TELL Practicum Guide
  • Description and Brief Explanation of the Five TELL Practicum Assignments
  • Preservice Teacher Information Sheets
  • Guidelines for your Mentor for Providing Support
  • Assignment 1: Teacher Observation
  • Assignment 2: Teacher Interview
  • Assignment 3: Individual Language Development Plan
  • Assignment 4: The Multiple Simultaneous Diverse Learning Activity (MSDLA) Assignment
  • Assignment 5: Final Reflection of the TELL Practicum
  • End of Term Information Sheet
  • Appendices
  • Appendix A: Guidlines for Relections
  • Appendix B: PAES Form--Annotated
  • Appendix C: Utah State Board of Education Standards for the ESL Endorsement
  • Appendix D: Text Modification Article
  • Appendix MSDLA Examples for Reference
  • Download
  • Translations
  • Assignment 1: Teacher Observation

    Purpose: This assignment allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the practices teachers do or do not demonstarte in their teaching (and how well you recognize them) in relationship to program outcomes. This assignment reveals your knowledge and understanding rather than your enacting of these standards. 

    Learning Outcomes met

    Language and Linguistics: knowledge and skills to construct learning environments that support development of English language proficiency: literacy, academic, and cognitive development. (footnote language and definition) 

    Cultural Diversity Domain: create a learning environment that is sensitive to and supportive of English language learner’s cultural identities, language and literacy development, and content area knowledge. 

    Instruction Domain: know, understand, and use the Utah English Language Proficiency Standards in selection of programs, practices and strategies related to planning, implementing, and managing ESL and content instruction, including classroom, organization, teaching strategies for development and integrating language skills, and choosing and adapting classroom resources. 


    1. We would prefer that you observe your mentor teacher. You can, however, observe any teacher in the school with or without an ESL Endorsement. Remember that the purpose is for you to identify the good practices you see and note practices that you did not see. This is not an evaluation of the teacher but a demonstration of your knowledge about teaching ELs, or emergent bilinguals. (You can observe with a partner but each of you will write your own reflection.).

    2. Select the teacher and make arrangements to observe a 20-30 minute lesson. To guide your observation we have developed a teacher observation worksheet (located here)

    3. You will then write a reflection based on the observation. The rubric that will be used to evaluate all reflections is found in Appendix A of this book. In writing the teacher observation reflection use the SIOP categories listed in observation protocol to guide your reflection. If you want more information on the SIOP you can find the tool in the TELL Tools book here: https://equitypress.org/ell_tools

    4. The first form is for notetaking as you observe the teacher, identifying the SIOP items you see. The second form gives you information for the reflection you need to hand in and following the directions will produce a goo0d paper. The only form you need to upload is the reflection paper you write.

    4. Submit the assignment through Learning Suite for this course. The link is found on the BYU Grades tab under assignments. 

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