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  • Thinglink

    VideoVirtual RealityConstructionismMultiliteraciesMultimedia

    ThingLink is a tool for creating interactive images and videos by adding tags. Tags can link to websites, social media pages, videos, maps, images, and audio. Interactive Thinglink images can be shared on social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. There is an option to embed the Thinglink image on other websites as well.

    Another feature that Thinglink offers is 360 degrees tours with tags. Users can upload 360 degrees pictures and add audio and video tags for a 3D virtual reality experience. This feature is only available with a Professional or Premium subscription.

    Watch on YouTube

    Tool Snapshot

    PriceFree trial version. Professional Teacher License: $35/year. Premium & Academic Enterprise plans as well. 
    Ease of Use★★★✩✩
    Class Size60 for professional teacher license plan; Unlimited for upgraded plans
    ISTE*SKnowledge Constructor, Creative Communicator, Global Collaborator
    COPPA/FERPARequires teacher/school official to provide consent on behalf of parents.

    ThingLink Overview Video

    Watch on YouTube

    ThingLink & the SAMR Model

    Here is an example of how Thinglink might fit within the SAMR model:

    Thinglink browser view
    Screenshot of the Thinglink database

    Learning Activities

    Thinglink can be especially useful for science, geography, history, language, and visual arts.


    Students can create an interactive image to develop or demonstrate their knowledge about a scientific concept or topic.  Check out this example of the solar system:

    Thinglink Solar System activity
    Thinglink Solar System example

    English/Language Arts

    Students can make their own vocabulary mind map and tag related words and images. Students can also annotate images of their favorite authors and texts. See an example in which the image links to Edgar Allan Poe’s birthplace, major works, and related websites.

    Thinglink Poe
    Thinglink for Edgar Allen Poe


    Students can pinpoint the names of places and landmarks. They can also include definitions or annotate historical facts on maps.

     Geography Example ThingLink
    Thinglink geography example


    Have you ever wanted to show your students a virtual tour to the Louvre? Better yet, your students can create one by tagging paintings to artists, times, and movements. See an example here.

    How to Use ThingLink

    1. Go to https://www.thinglink.com/.
    2. Sign up by creating an account using an email or sign up using your Facebook, Twitter,  or Google account.
    3. Explore or follow popular users or topics.
    4. Upload an image from your hard drive, the Internet, or Facebook.
    5. Select a position on the image and tag it to a website, video, or map.
    6. Share your interactive image on Facebook, Twitter, or Gplus, or obtain a code to embed it in your website.


    More ideas for how to use ThingLink


    Appasamy, P. (2018). Fostering Student Engagement With Digital Microscopic Images Using ThingLink, an Image Annotation ProgramJournal of College Science Teaching47(5).

    Nakatsuka, K. (2018). Making history come to life: ThingLink virtual museumsSocial Studies Review57, 47-52.

    Roslan, N. N. A., & Sahrir, M. S. (2020). The Effectiveness of ThingLink in Teaching New Vocabulary to Non-Native Beginners of the Arabic LanguageIIUM Journal of Educational Studies8(1), 32-52.

    Image Sources

    All images sourced from https://www.thinglink.com/ 

    This content is provided to you freely by EdTech Books.

    Access it online or download it at https://edtechbooks.org/onlinetools/thinglink.