The TSWQ measures teacher wellbeing across two subscales: school connectedness and teaching efficacy. The subscales can be used independently or combined to create an overall wellbeing score. Teachers rank eight positive statements on an 8-point Likert scale representing frequency the statement is true in their life: For example, “I am a successful teacher” or “I feel like people at this school care about me” (Measure and User Guide, n.d., n.p.). Tyler Renshaw’s Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire can be used with this questionnaire for greater continuity across populations. For more information about Renshaw’s work, visit his website here.
Pros for Schools
Cons for Schools
Short holistic overview of wellbeing Use with Renshaw’s Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire to enable greater continuity across populations
Few, if any, available translations
Suggestions for Further Research