EdTech in the Wild
EdTech in the Wild
List of Author Blogs and Twitter Accounts
Index by Author
Index by Topic
Licensing Information
1. Innovation & Disruption
25 Years of Ed Tech
If We Were Really Serious about Educational Technology
We Can't Let Educators Off the Hook
Waiting for O Superman
A Field Guide to "Jobs that Don't Exist Yet"
A Definition of Emerging Technologies for Education
Innovation in Higher Education ... and Other Blasts from the Past
To Lecture Capture or Not to Lecture Capture?
Possible Futures for Innovation and Technology in Higher Education
This is Not the Online Learning You (or We) are Looking For
Reclaiming Disruption
2. Openness & Sharing
Into the Open
Defining the 'Open' in Open Content and Open Educational Resources
Exploring the Open Knowledge Landscape
The Access Compromise and the 5th R
Planning to Share Versus Just Sharing
Open Textbooks? UGH.
My Open Textbook: Pedagogy and Practice
Remix, Mashups, Aggregation, Plagiarism Oh My
Crossing the Field Boundaries: Open Science, Open Data & Open Education
OERs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
What's Right and What's Wrong about Coursera-Style MOOCs
Opening Up Open Pedagogy
Open Pedagogy and a Very Brief History of the Concept
International Something: Why You Should Care #DigPed
Does Open Pedagogy Require OER?
Pragmatism vs. Idealism and the Identity Crisis of OER Advocacy
Open Ends?
The Fallacy of 'Open'
3. Identity & Participation
The Question Should be: Why Are You *Not* Blogging
The Kindness of Blogging
An Introduction to Connective Knowledge
Rhizomatic Education
A History of Knowledge, Distributed Cognition, and the PhD
Some Observations on PLE Diagrams
E-Learning 2.0
The Role of Personality in Education
Digital Identities
Nobody's Version of Dumb
something is rotten in the state of ... Twitter
Colonisers and Edupunks (&C.)
Digital Trespass and Critical Literacy #OER17
4. Equity & Power
The Golden Age of Education that Never Was
Blackboard Patents the LMS
The Glass Bees
What Do We Owe Students When We Collect Their Data - A Response
AI is Coming for Your Instructional and Learning Design Jobs, Apparently
MOOCs and Directing an Academic Field
The Audacity: Thrun Learns a Lesson and Students Pay
The Lower Ed Ecosystem: Bootcamps Edition
#BreakOpen Breaking Open
Open Cyborgs at #ALTC
Platform Literacy in a Time of Mass Gaslighting
Why We Shouldn't Let Economists Play with Education
Connectivity as Poverty
Reproducing Marginality?
Inclusion Again
OER, Equity, and Implicit Creative Redlining
For Now, Our Own
Concluding Thoughts
A List of Some Great EdTech Blogs
Recommendations for Formal Learning
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