• 50 Years of Education Research Trends
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  • Educational Technology
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  • Research Impact Metrics
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  • Research Impact Metrics

    A 50-Year Analysis of Education Research Article Feature Effects on Citation Counts
    Academic WritingResearch ImpactBibliometrics
    By analyzing 50 years of citation counts of 51,281 research articles across 86 education journals in conjunction with textual analysis of article titles and abstracts, we explore how a variety of article features, such as title length, use of a subtitle, reading difficulty, and open access status, have historically influenced the impact of education research articles. Results indicate that (a) shorter titles are more likely to be cited than long titles, (b) articles with subtitles (designated with a colon) are more likely to be cited, (c) articles with lengthy and more technical abstracts are more likely to be cited, and (d) open access status has no effect.

    The guiding research question of this analysis was “What is the relationship between education research article features and citation counts?” Central to our asking this question is the notion that citation count as a measure of impact may be influenced by a variety of factors that may have little to do with a given study’s scientific or professional merit or that subtle decisions regarding an article’s title or abstract might influence its citability. To answer this question, we utilized hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to analyze Scopus database metrics for top education research journals to determine the strengths of relationships between two independent citation variables, six independent article feature variables, and two covariates. In total, 51,281 articles from 86 journals were analyzed, inclusively representing the years 1969 to 2020 (see Table 1).

    Table 1

    List of Journals with Number of Articles and Year Ranges

    Journal TitleNumber of ArticlesYear Range
    Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education47019812020
    Australasian Journal of Educational Technology78320082020
    Australian Journal of Teacher Education35720092014
    British Journal of Educational Psychology49619692020
    British Journal of Educational Technology1,89219732020
    Cogent Education74420142020
    Community College Journal of Research and Practice34519932020
    Computer Assisted Language Learning64119902020
    Computers & Education3,20419862020
    Contemporary Educational Psychology31819802020
    Counselor Education and Supervision29519692020
    Education and Information Technologies1,30320002020
    Education and Urban Society30619732020
    Educational Administration Quarterly55319692020
    Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability12120132020
    Educational Management Administration & Leadership64519742020
    Educational Policy39919872020
    Educational Psychologist29719702020
    Educational Psychology52119812020
    Educational Psychology Review23019902020
    Educational Technology & Society1,53520002020
    Educational Technology Research and Development93219932020
    English Language Teaching73320122015
    English Language Teaching Journal1,06019732020
    European Journal of Teacher Education86119822020
    Higher Education44619762020
    Higher Education Research & Development51619822020
    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies45820082020
    Improving Schools18219982020
    Innovations in Education and Teaching International22320152020
    Innovative Higher Education9919962020
    Interactive Learning Environments1,04319902020
    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education28320002020
    International Journal of Doctoral Studies6320142020
    International Journal of Educational Management75519872020
    International Journal of Instruction91120132020
    International Journal of Leadership in Education34420032020
    Internet and Higher Education54020012020
    Journal of College Student Development14220042020
    Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice14820102020
    Journal of Computer Assisted Learning95319852020
    Journal of Counseling & Development41519852020
    Journal of Counseling Psychology71519752019
    Journal of Diversity in Higher Education12920142020
    Journal of Education Policy42119862020
    Journal of Educational Administration61519692020
    Journal of Educational Computing Research49020112020
    Journal of Educational Psychology49719742020
    Journal of Educational Research1,86419692020
    Journal of Further and Higher Education33419772020
    Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management14020092020
    Journal of International Students17720152020
    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education40120052020
    Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment74119832020
    Journal of School Choice20320062020
    Journal of School Psychology21319822020
    Journal of Science Teacher Education63019892020
    Journal of Studies in International Education8220042020
    Journal of Teacher Education90819692020
    Language Learning & Technology36120002020
    Leadership and Policy in Schools24320142020
    Learning and Individual Differences75120132020
    Learning Disability Quarterly25219782020
    Learning, Media and Technology41520052020
    Management in Education23119872020
    Phi Delta Kappan69519962020
    Professional Development in Education63420092020
    Psychology in the schools73619752020
    Research in Higher Education14119742020
    School Effectiveness and School Improvement23219902020
    School Leadership & Management19020022020
    School Psychology International62119792020
    School Psychology Quarterly5520192020
    Social Psychology of Education30620012020
    Studies in Higher Education73619762020
    Teachers and Teaching79319952020
    Teaching and Teacher Education2,48419852020
    Teaching in Higher Education1,03620052020
    Technology, Pedagogy and Education46820032020
    TESOL Quarterly87719812020
    The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning1,05420002020
    The Journal of Higher Education8120152020
    The Review of Higher Education5020152020
    The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology1,64320082017
    Theory Into Practice64319802020

    Our independent citation variables consisted of two variations of the citation count metric provided by Scopus: (a) raw citations and (b) citations per year. Raw citations represented the total number of times that an article had been cited in its entire lifespan. As one might expect, these counts were somewhat influenced by publication date because it takes time for articles to be read and cited in subsequent publications, meaning that articles published earlier in a given year might exhibit a citation advantage over articles published later in the same year (see Figure 1). For this reason, we also recoded raw citation counts as citations per year by multiplying the citation count by 365 and dividing this value by the number of days that had elapsed since the article had been published (see Figure 2). This recoding helped control for elapsed time but also revealed a general positive relationship between year published and citations per year, suggesting that more recent articles were being cited at a higher rate than their predecessors. Uncertain of which of these two metrics would be the most reliable for accounting for complexities of time, we constructed separate models for each to see if results converged to tell a similar story.

    Figure 1

    Average Article Raw Citations by Year Published (R2 = 0.28)

    linear histogram with ascending slope

    Figure 2

    Average Article Citations per Year by Year Published (R2 = 0.78)

    linear histogram with ascending slope

    Independent article features included the following six variables:

    Table 2

    Descriptives of Continuous Variables

      Mean SD Min Max
    Title Character Count 92.107 30.990 6 255
    Abstract Reading Ease 24.349 13.551 0 100
    Abstract Reading Speed 52.755 20.434 1 459
    Abstract Word Count 161.918 60.874 4 1,289

    A year covariate was also included to better control for time-based effects on citation counts. Annual totals of articles revealed a general upward trend in article volume with a few notable exceptions between 1996 and 2003 (see Figure 3). The increase in article volume overall was likely due to more journals releasing online versions over time since the early 2000s (and thereby increasing the number of articles that could be published without the cost prohibitions of a paper-based medium), but it was unclear to us why a dip occurred in 1996. Nonetheless, we did not expect these variations in volume to impact results in a meaningful way but used year as a covariate to ensure that historical or other anomalies in the data would be accounted for. Furthermore, our models were constructed using M+ software, which preferred for these values to be normalized to small integers for greater ease in interpreting Betas and other values (e.g., 2012 = 2.012).

    And finally, recognizing (a) that journals that have been publishing longer were being cited more on average than younger journals and (b) that journals that have been publishing longer had a lower percentage of open access articles, we also used the longevity of the journal as an additional covariate for our analysis. This further helped to control for journal characteristics outside the control of individual article authors that might be influencing citation counts, such as the perceived prestige of the journal in the field.

    Figure 3

    Distribution of Included Articles by Year

    article counts by year


    Results indicated overall significant (but weak) effects on both raw citations (R2 = 0.022, p < .01; see Table 3) and citations per year (R2 = 0.054, p < .001; see Table 4). For raw citations, the model showed that articles would be cited more if their authors (a) shortened the title, (b) made the abstract more technical, (c) lengthened the abstract, and (d) included a colon in the title. For citations per year, the model showed that articles would be cited more if their authors (a) made the abstract more technical and (b) included a colon in the title. Furthermore, the size of the dataset allowed us to detect significant effects that had relatively small effect sizes, so the fact that reading time and open access status did not affect either result is also noteworthy.

    Table 3

    Article Feature Effects on Raw Citations

      Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. Two-Tailed p Value
    Model R-Square 0.022 0.008 2.624 0.009**
    Title Character Count -0.044 0.012 -3.71 0.000***
    Title Colon 0.039 0.009 4.414 0.000***
    Abstract Reading Ease -0.117 0.02 -5.898 0.000***
    Abstract Reading Time -0.12 0.056 -2.15 0.032
    Abstract Word Count 0.152 0.051 2.987 0.003**
    Open Access -0.023 0.018 -1.262 0.207
    Year Covariate -0.056 0.041 -1.373 0.17
    Journal Longevity 0.075 0.039 1.926 0.054

    Table 4

    Article Feature Effects on Citations per Year

      Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. Two-Tailed p Value
    Model R-Square 0.054 0.013 4.079 0.000***
    Title Character Count -0.023 0.013 -1.802 0.071
    Title Colon 0.045 0.008 5.813 0.000***
    Abstract Reading Ease -0.062 0.02 -3.026 0.002**
    Abstract Reading Time 0.027 0.061 0.447 0.655
    Abstract Word Count 0.03 0.056 0.54 0.589
    Open Access 0.001 0.021 0.051 0.959
    Year Covariate 0.175 0.024 7.375 0.000***
    Journal Longevity 0.164 0.048 3.41 0.001**



    Shorter titles were more likely to be cited than longer titles, but the inclusion of a colon (typically used in longer titles) also had a positive effect. This suggests to us that when writing titles, subtitles can be useful for improving citations but that authors should practice parsimony in the length of both the title and the subtitle. For articles without a colon in the title, there seems to be a Goldilocks zone of between 30 and 50 characters or 5 to 9 words for optimal length (see Figure 4). For articles with a colon, the Goldilocks zone appears to be slightly higher, between 40 and 70 characters or 7 to 12 words (see Figure 5).

    Figure 4

    Distribution of Average Citations by Title Length for Articles without Colons

    linear graph with descending slope

    Figure 5

    Distribution of Average Citations by Title Length for Articles with Colons

    linear graph with descending slope


    Contrary to our assumption, reading ease had a negative effect on citations. This was surprising because we assumed that if an abstract was more readable and less esoteric that people would be more likely to cite it. The opposite result, however, suggests that more technical abstracts yield greater citations. This might be the result of greater specificity provided in abstracts, or it might be due to certain topics or methodologies that rely upon long words with many syllables being cited more often, such as studies that rely upon advanced statistical procedures like “hierarchical linear modeling.” It could also mean that articles are often cited based on the content of their abstracts and that leaner abstracts do not provide other authors with enough information to warrant a citation. We do not take this result to mean that authors should attempt to make their abstracts intentionally difficult to decipher, but it does suggest that including technical language and detail in abstracts might be beneficial. Couple this with the positive effect that abstract length had on raw citations and the lack of effect that reading time had on citations, and the takeaway seems to be that more detail in abstracts is a good thing.

    Open Access

    Contrary to previous studies seeking to understand open access effects on citation counts, we did not detect an open access bump. At least two possible explanations exist for this discrepancy: time and context. Regarding time, many studies exploring the open access topic have restricted their analyses to relatively short timeframes, suggesting that there may be an initial open-access bump to citations but that this advantage might fade over time. In addition, the context of most studies in this realm has focused on the natural sciences, and it may be that education or the social sciences more broadly exhibit different citation patterns than other fields.


    Results from our analysis reveal that some education research article features have significant (though relatively small) effects on citation counts. Notably, articles are most likely to be cited if (a) their titles include a semi-colon-designated subtitle, (b) their titles are 7 to 12 words in length, (c) their abstracts are longer, and (d) their abstracts include technical language.

    Royce Kimmons

    Brigham Young University

    Royce Kimmons is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University where he studies digital participation divides specifically in the realms of social media, open education, and classroom technology use. He is also the founder of EdTechBooks.org. More information about his work may be found at http://roycekimmons.com, and you may also dialogue with him on Twitter @roycekimmons.
    Ross Larsen

    Brigham Young University

    Dr. Ross Larsen is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology & Technology at Brigham Young University.

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