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    Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology
    Project Management for Instructional Designers
    Qualitative Inquiry in Daily Life
    The K-12 Educational Technology Handbook
    The Students' Guide to Learning Design and Research
    An Open Education Reader
    Rapid Academic Writing
    Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
    EdTech in the Wild
    Learner and User Experience Research
    The EdTech Books User Guide
    Making Meaning in My Classroom
    Visuals in Learning Design
    EdTech Landscapes 2020
    Education Research
    K-12 Blended Teaching
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Academic B Writing
    Facilitation in Digital Learning Environments
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    50 Years of Education Research Trends
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Double-O STEM (Educator Guide)
    Unleashing the Power of Learner Agency
    (Open) Educational Resources around the World
    Theories to Influence the Future of Learning Design and Technology
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Double-O STEM (Learner Guide)
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    An Introduction to Open Education
    Creating the Virtuous Organization
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Design and Development Chronicles
    Becoming an Open Scholar
    Student-Centered Approaches in K–12 and Higher Education
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    General College Chemistry
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Grammaire Ouverte
    K-12 Blended Teaching: English Language Arts Edition
    K-12 Blended Teaching: Social Studies Edition
    K-12 Blended Teaching: Elementary Education Edition
    K-12 Blended Teaching: Math Edition
    K-12 Blended Teaching: Science Edition
    Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology
    Light + Learning
    General College Chemistry
    Open AIMs
    Theories to Influence the Future of Learning Design and Technology
    The Journal of Applied Instructional Design
    Online Learning Journal